कितने दिन तक खा सकते हैं कटा हुआ तरबूज? कभी ना करें ये गलती

कितने दिन तक खा सकते हैं कटा हुआ तरबूज? कभी ना करें ये गलती

गर्मियों का मौसम आते ही बाजार में तरबूज की बिक्री शुरू हो जाती है. तरबूज का इंतजार लोगों को पूरे साल रहता है. गर्मियों में लोग सबसे ज्यादा रसदार मीठा फल तरबूज खाते हैं. तरबूज एक ऐसा फल है, जो हर किसी को बेहद पसंद होता है. इसमें मौजूद कई पोषक तत्व हमारे शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य … Read more

Summer Diet: Is it Healthy to Have Watermelons Everyday? Here Are 5 Facts You Should Know

Summer Diet: Is it Healthy to Have Watermelons Everyday? Here Are 5 Facts You Should Know

Home Health Summer diet: is it healthy to eat watermelons every day? Here are 5 facts you should know Experts suggest eating watermelon every day and it is the most recommended fruit in the summer season. Summer diet: is it healthy to eat watermelons every day? Here are 5 facts you should know (Source: Freepik) … Read more

With the knock of summer, the season of ‘watermelon’ also came, know what are the benefits of eating watermelon

With the knock of summer, the season of ‘watermelon’ also came, know what are the benefits of eating watermelon

Watermelon Health Benefits: Eating fruits according to the season gives maximum benefit of the nutrients present in them. As now summer has knocked. In such a situation, the season of Watermelon ie Watermelon has also come. This juicy and delicious fruit is rich in water content. This is the reason that it helps in keeping … Read more

If you eat watermelon to stay healthy, then try this way, the benefits will be miraculous

If you eat watermelon to stay healthy, then try this way, the benefits will be miraculous

Watermelon Benefits : The summer season has come. Now you will get to eat many fruits. Watermelon is one of these… Eating watermelon in the summer season is very beneficial. Nutrition and antioxidants are found in abundance in this moment. Watermelon contains a considerable amount of water. It keeps the body hydrated. If you chew … Read more

Everyone eats watermelon in summer… but if you eat it like this, you will get amazing benefits

Everyone eats watermelon in summer… but if you eat it like this, you will get amazing benefits

Benefits Of Watermelon: As soon as the summer season comes, there is a chance to eat juicy and tasty fruits. Especially watermelon, it is such a fruit that eating it gives you many benefits in summer. Eating fresh fruits in season provides plenty of nutrition and antioxidants. Now that summer is here, you cannot miss … Read more

Use watermelon in these 3 ways, you will get only benefits

Use watermelon in these 3 ways, you will get only benefits

Watermelon Benefits: Eating watermelon in summer gives many benefits to the body. By eating watermelon, the lack of water in the body is removed. Watermelon also helps a lot in weight loss. Watermelon is very high in water which keeps the body hydrated. Watermelon also contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are also beneficial for … Read more