Part-3: This is the new era! 30 thousand high quality children will be born every year without mother’s womb

There is a company, which will produce 30 thousand high quality babies every year. At the moment this is a claim but that company says that this thing will be proved right. We are writing here about ‘high quality’ baby and that is because the company will raise the babies in a machine and not … Read more

What is pre birth term? why babies are born prematurely

Pre Mature Baby: To become a mother, a woman has to keep a child in her womb for 9 months. During this, she has to face many problems and sometimes due to some health reasons, the child is born early, which is called premature baby. According to the recent reports, there has been an increase in … Read more

Be careful! Your child born in Kovid, did not forget to talk somewhere

Corona Virus: Corona wreaked havoc across the country. Corona cases were seen in every house. Thousands of people lost their lives due to the Delta variant that came during Kovid. Kovid taught people to be alone. Its side effect was that people fell in the grip of mental diseases. But the dangerous aspect of this … Read more

May the happiness of Diwali not fade away, take care of the new born baby like this

Newborn Baby Care: Light and happiness are spread all around on the occasion of Diwali. This festival is full of joy. But sometimes a small mishap can spoil the joy of the festival. So don’t let the fun fade away in this festival of happiness. For this you need to take care of every little … Read more

The one who did not come into the world was also a victim of pollution, these parts of the child born in the womb were affected.

Air Pollution Side Effects: Increasing pollution in the environment can also target unborn children. It has been revealed in many studies that pollution has an effect on the baby growing in the womb. Now scientists have found air pollution particles for the first time in a 3-month-old fetus. Nanoparticles have been found in the liver, … Read more

These diseases can be born due to increasing weight

Obesity Problems: Obesity has become the biggest problem in today’s time. Due to irregular diet and lifestyle, this problem is making more and more people their victims. It is generally seen that people associate increasing weight with their physical appearance and due to this they keep working hard in the desire to get the perfect … Read more

Premature Birth: Why babies are born before 9 months, this is the right reason

Premature Labor Symptoms: For any woman, becoming a mother is one of her special moments. Which she can’t compare to anything. In such a situation, special care has to be taken of the mother and the child growing inside her. These include lifestyle, diet and routine checkup of pregnant women. A pregnant woman takes great … Read more