क्या बिना ऑपरेशन के ब्रेस्ट कैंसर को एकदम ठीक किया जा सकता है? जानिए हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट की राय

क्या बिना ऑपरेशन के ब्रेस्ट कैंसर को एकदम ठीक किया जा सकता है? जानिए हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट की राय

महिलाओं को ब्रेस्ट कैंसर (Breast Cancer) का डर अक्सर सताता है. क्योंकि अक्सर हम न्यूजपेपर, ऑनलाइन पॉर्टल, मैगजीन में इस तरह की खबरें पढ़ लेते हैं कि ब्रेस्ट में होने वाले गांठों को हल्के में न लें क्योंकि यह बाद में जाकर कैंसर का रूप ले लेता है .यह सच भी है कि पीरियड्स (Periods) … Read more

A lump has formed in the breast but there is no pain…is it a symptom of cancer?

A lump has formed in the breast but there is no pain…is it a symptom of cancer?

Breast Cancer which is common in women. We read many things on Google regarding breast cancer. This happens in breast cancer, that happens. But the biggest question among all this is that can breast cancer be felt easily? For your information, let us tell you that breast cancer cannot be felt until the tumor becomes … Read more

This cancer does not give indication in women for 5 years, be careful like this

This cancer does not give indication in women for 5 years, be careful like this

Cancer Treatment: Due to changing lifestyle, diseases are making their home in the body. Diseases like high blood pressure, sugar, obesity are the result of lifestyle changes. Cancer is also one of such deadly diseases. Once in the body, it becomes lethal. Cancer is one of such diseases. If cancer is detected at an early … Read more

Women can be alert after 40 years of breast cancer, know how to protect yourself

Women can be alert after 40 years of breast cancer, know how to protect yourself

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The month of October is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In this month, an attempt is made to spread awareness about breast cancer. Breast cancer statistics are increasing rapidly all over the world including India. The main reason for this is lack of information. Many times women do not even … Read more

If you are in the grip of this cancer, definitely recognize it by the symptoms

This cancer does not give indication in women for 5 years, be careful like this

Cancer: Cancer is a deadly disease. This disease takes birth due to the uncontrolled level of cells in the body. It can happen in any part of the body. It can damage any organ, bone, blood, kidney, liver. In the last stage, it spreads to the whole body, and the chances of survival are very … Read more

Symptoms and types of breast cancer, know how to prevent

Symptoms and types of breast cancer, know how to prevent

Symptoms Of Breast Cancer: Women have the highest risk of breast cancer. Every year around 2.1 million women in the world are affected by breast cancer. Breast cancer occurs when changes in genes cause breast cells to divide and grow. Due to this, a lump is created in the breast. You can detect it even … Read more