Men must keep these things in mind to prevent prostate cancer

Men must keep these things in mind to prevent prostate cancer

Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. The prostate is a prostate gland in the body of men, in which spermatozoa are produced. This gland is very small and walnut-sized. If prostate cancer treatment is started only when it is confined to the prostate gland, then the chances of its cure … Read more

From Mahima Chaudhary to Mumtaz, this actress has become a victim of breast cancer

From Mahima Chaudhary to Mumtaz, this actress has become a victim of breast cancer

Actress Breast Cancer: From Mahima Chaudhary to Mumtaz, this actress has become a victim of breast cancer. Source link

Women can be alert after 40 years of breast cancer, know how to protect yourself

Women can be alert after 40 years of breast cancer, know how to protect yourself

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The month of October is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In this month, an attempt is made to spread awareness about breast cancer. Breast cancer statistics are increasing rapidly all over the world including India. The main reason for this is lack of information. Many times women do not even … Read more

If someone is puffing a cigarette around, then stay away from it, this disease will not leave you for the rest of your life.

If someone is puffing a cigarette around, then stay away from it, this disease will not leave you for the rest of your life.

Cigarette Smoking: Cigarette Causes Cancer. Smoking Kills is written on someone. There is a different warning on each company’s cigarette box. This warning is only for the smoker. There is no warning written on the cigarette box for those who are standing around. But do you know that living near cigarette smokers catches many such … Read more

The lack of this vitamin has a direct connection with cancer, definitely protect it

The lack of this vitamin has a direct connection with cancer, definitely protect it

Vitamins: Vitamins are very important for the body. The body gives many indications when there is a deficiency of vitamins. Doctors tell that there are many types of vitamins and each vitamin has a different importance in the body. Do you know that some vitamins are so important for the body that due to their … Read more

What is the treatment for pain in stomach cancer and know its causes and symptoms – GoMedii

What is the treatment for pain in stomach cancer and know its causes and symptoms – GoMedii

If you often have stomach pain, then you should not ignore it. Although abdominal pain is a common problem, which can be due to many reasons, but frequent pain can be a sign of a serious problem. Yes, we are talking about cancer. Colon cancer is a serious problem. In which the patient feels a … Read more

Eating Earlier Can Reduce Hunger, Cravings, and Weight Gain

Eating Earlier Can Reduce Hunger, Cravings, and Weight Gain

New research indicates that eating earlier in the day may be better for your health. People who ate later in the day experienced more hunger and cravings. They also had changes that could favor fat storage. Nutritionists say that if you feel hungry at night, it’s a good idea to plan your meals ahead of … Read more

Blood Cancer in Kids: Signs, Symtoms And Risk Factors to Identify Leukemia in Children

Blood Cancer in Kids: Signs, Symtoms And Risk Factors to Identify Leukemia in Children

Blood Cancer in Children: 10-year-old actor Rahul Koli was suffering from leukemia when he died on October 2, ahead of the release of his film. come on show, India’s official entry to the Oscars. While his family didn’t say much about the disease, his father said he was vomiting profusely before he breathed his last. … Read more