Be careful those who eat salty with tea! may have to bear the loss

Foods to NOT Eat With Tea Ever: If you too are fond of eating salty food with tea, then this news is for you only. Here we will tell you what can be the side effects of eating salty snack with tea. By the way, whether it is evening tea or breakfast in every house, … Read more

Monkeypox is spreading, if you have come from abroad, then be careful! Understand monkeypox with these 5 things

Monkeypox Symptoms: Monkeypox is spreading rapidly all over the world. Cases of monkeypox have been reported in more than 70 countries including India. Its cases are increasing continuously in India too. Now the latest case has come to the fore in Delhi. In this case you need to be very careful. Although experts say that … Read more

Paan eaters be careful! These damages can be caused by eating too much

Disadvantages Of Eating Paan: Those who eat betel, just see betel leaf anywhere, they are not able to live without eating it. From Banarasi paan to paan in many places of the country, paan is famous. Paan is used the most in India. Paan is also used in many medicines. There is not much harm … Read more

These 5 foods have to be eaten more, lethal, be careful today!

Bad Food For Health: As the cases of heart attack, diabetes and BP are increasing in the youth at an early age, the most responsible for that is the diet. If you want to live a healthy and long life, then say goodbye to these 5 food items or reduce the quantity or the third … Read more

Diabetes patients should be careful while fasting! Negligence can increase blood sugar level

Can Fasting Raise Blood Sugar: A diabetic patient should take special care of his food and drink. Fasting is not easy for diabetic patients. Due to changes in the diet of such people or due to being hungry for a long time, the problem starts increasing. If diabetic patients stay without eating and drinking for … Read more

Office workers should be careful, obesity is increasing due to these mistakes of yours

Causes Of Weight Gain: Once again, life is slowly coming back on track after the cases of corona are reduced. During this many offices have also opened. Due to which the same runaway life of the people has come back. Due to the constant work pressure in the office, people have started sitting for hours. … Read more

Be careful who eat kidney beans, this negligence of yours can cause great harm to health

Rajma Cooking Tips: People like to eat Rajma Chawal in most of the homes of India. People make and eat it with great fervor. But do you know that kidney beans prepared and eaten with great taste can also harm your health! Yes, this is absolutely true, but when you have not cooked Rajma properly. … Read more

Mental Health: Be careful, these 3 signs are the cause of mental illness

Symptoms Of Mental Illness: Mental health, being the main determinant of quality of life, is also the basis of social stability, in a society where the number of mental patients is high, there is an adverse effect on the system and development of India. Talking about, according to the National Mental Health Survey 2015-16, 10.6 … Read more