इन शहरों में 20 साल से कम उम्र के युवा तेजी से हो रहे मोटापे का शिकार, सर्वे में हुआ चौकाने वाल

इन शहरों में 20 साल से कम उम्र के युवा तेजी से हो रहे मोटापे का शिकार, सर्वे में हुआ चौकाने वाल

Obesity In Youth: तेजी से बढ़ता मोटापा (obesity) भारत ही नहीं दुनिया भर के हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट को चिंता में डाल रहा है. नॉन कम्यूनिकेबल डिजीज के बढ़ते रिस्क से जुड़ा होने के कारण मोटापा तेजी से ऐसे लोगों को अपनी चपेट में ले रहा है जिनकी लाइफस्टाइल असंतुलित है.हाल ही में हेक्साहेल्थ के एक अध्ययन से … Read more

Eating late at night and going to sleep immediately is ‘dangerous’! never make this mistake

Eating late at night and going to sleep immediately is ‘dangerous’!  never make this mistake

Health Tips : If healthy food is not taken at the right time, then its benefit is less. In Ayurveda also the time of eating food has been fixed. It has been told that at what time food should be eaten and at what time water should be drunk, so that health can get its … Read more

If you do not understand the reason for increasing obesity, then pay attention to this… This may be the unknown reason for the problem.

If you do not understand the reason for increasing obesity, then pay attention to this… This may be the unknown reason for the problem.

Cause of Getting Fat: There are many reasons for obesity and two of the main reasons are eating fatty and oily food and not exercising. But apart from these two, there is another main reason, which increases obesity rapidly, but most people are not aware of it and this is the reason for waking up … Read more

If you have obesity then these diseases can catch you

If you have obesity then these diseases can catch you

Disease: There is a difference between being healthy and being fat. People consider obesity to be healthy, this is their biggest mistake. The fat which he considers healthy. In fact, it is the root of many diseases. Doctors tell that obesity brings many diseases together. Being fat seems fine for a while. If it is … Read more

Fat is increasing continuously and if you do not understand the reason, then definitely pay attention to this thing.

Fat is increasing continuously and if you do not understand the reason, then definitely pay attention to this thing.

How to control Fat: You are paying full attention to your diet but still the fat on your body is increasing. You exercise but even if you want, you are not able to do as much as you used to do till now. If there is anything like this, then you should know that just … Read more