Part-2: Children’s intelligence machine will decide, eye and hair color will also be according to you

There are some such things, which people all over the world accept as ‘God’s will’ or ‘nature’s gift’. Man himself also believes that one should not play with some things, but where does this happen. Now, if a company says that it is not necessary to keep the child in the womb for 9 months, … Read more

Squint: Do not ignore this problem of children’s eyes, it can be dangerous

Squint Effects: Often the problem of squint is seen in the eyes of small children. In this problem, the children are looking at one side but the person in front feels that they are looking at the other side. Sometimes this problem is also seen in older people. Let us know every information related to … Read more

How to include spinach in children’s diet? Know the Tasty and Easy Recipes of Spinach

Tasty Spinach Recipes For Children: With the arrival of winter, the season of spinach comes. Spinach is such a vegetable that apart from iron, there are many more. NutriThere are ants. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K1, folic acid and calcium. Spinach is very beneficial for both children and adults. However, … Read more

Video games are dangerous for children’s heart health, how to get rid of addiction, know what the study says

Video Games : Children love video games a lot. His mind takes a lot of it. They spend many hours playing video games, but it has a very dangerous effect on their health. Video game players may not see any harm in it, but this activity generates an adrenaline rush. Some time ago, a research … Read more

Children’s spectacles are becoming a cause of trouble, parents should take care like this

Kids Eyes Health: In modern times, even small children are getting glasses in their eyes. The reason for this is a lot of smartphone and laptop screen being used. Apart from this, the eyes of the children are also getting spoiled due to the children watching TV and watching video games for a long time. … Read more

Children’s bones are getting fragile, because of this children are becoming victims of rickets

Cause And Symptoms Of Rickets Disease: Our future is getting weak because our children are getting weak. Earlier, due to lack of physical activities, our bodies became much weaker than our generation older generation and now the lack of sunlight is melting the bones of our children (Weak bones in child). Children’s bones are becoming … Read more

How to include protein and other vitamins in children’s diet, know the right way

Protein Requirement For Kids: If children do not get the right amount of protein, then their physical development can be affected and they can become underweight and short height according to age. There are many plant-based and non-veg sources of protein, but the problem is that children do not like protein-rich food. The child if … Read more

Candy, chocolate have got worms in children’s teeth? Follow these home remedies

Teeth Cavity: Taking good care of children is a big task for many parents. From their way of living to the food, a lot of attention is needed. Many children get worms in their teeth. The reason for this can be candy, chocolate or too much sweet food. If your children’s teeth have also got … Read more