Increase immunity of children in this way, health will remain

Monsoon Child Care Tips: Change of weather during monsoon often worsens the health of people. Especially children, sometimes due to getting wet in the rain and sometimes due to sudden change in weather, often get sick. To maintain and increase the immunity of your children during monsoon, special care should be taken of their food … Read more

Hygiene Tips: These items used at home can make you sick, take care of yourself like this

Keep Your Home Bacteria Free: We all want to keep our house as clean and hygienic as possible. Especially in homes where there are children, cleanliness is most needed because children unknowingly touch or put anything in their mouth. This can cause harmful bacteria to make children sick. Well, today we will talk about those … Read more

International Childhood Cancer Day 2022: Ways to take care of a child’s mental health during treatment

Every year on February 15, International Childhood Cancer The day is observed to raise awareness about child cancer and express support for children and adolescents with cancer, survivors, and their families. While there is a growing awareness of cancer in children, its effect on their mental health remains a cause for great concern. According to … Read more