Can Exercise Cure Diabetes: Know how beneficial climbing stairs is for a diabetic patient?

How To Control Diabetes With Exercise It is a disease which has become a matter of concern all over the world. Most of the people are affected by this due to poor diet, poor lifestyle. Some people do not even know that they are diabetic. Blood sugar increases in diabetes, which is very important to … Read more

Businesses move to capture lucrative mental wellness market, as more workers face burnout

A LUCRATIVE MARKET At Project Send, all of their company-related wellness programs are oversubscribed. Mr. Ng said the skills learned in bouldering help climbers perform under pressure in their daily lives. In the gym, the different routes are labeled with the corresponding grades, allowing climbers to perform within their abilities. “(Bouldering) promotes co-working with your … Read more

Eat these 3 foods for strong knees, there will be no problem in climbing stairs and running

How To Improve Joint Health Naturally: Everyone is troubled by the problem of knee and joint pain. Many times pain in the knees can be due to an injury or due to many diseases like arthritis, gout etc. It has often been seen that with increasing age, chronic pain also starts emerging, in such a … Read more

The rise and rise of the senior fitizen

But as the body becomes more squeaky and lazy, what exactly is considered a safe practice? Should we really aspire to run marathons or build pecs in our old age? Gray insists that we should. “It’s good to challenge yourself at any age. After the pandemic, many older people lost confidence in connecting with other … Read more