What is the cost of kidney transplant in Medanta Hospital? – GoMedia

Medanta has a separate Kidney and Urology Institute for the treatment of impaired urinary system including kidney, bladder and prostate gland. Medanta, being the premier tertiary care center in North India, offers quality healthcare facilities in the treatment of nephrological and urological disorders. For kidney transplant, doctors use minimally invasive surgical techniques like da Vinci … Read more

How is mitral valve repair surgery done, its types and cost – GoMedii

Mitral valve replacement surgery (mitral valve repair), also commonly known as mitral valve replacement, is a surgical procedure performed to repair or replace a leaking or stiff mitral valve in the heart. The mitral valve is located between the left atrium and left ventricle, both located in the left heart chamber. Doctors consider the age … Read more

Know what is the cost of posterior uveitis treatment in Delhi? – GoMedii

Your eyes can tell about many serious diseases. It is said that the eyes tell the condition of the heart, but along with telling the condition of the heart, it also tells the condition of your health. Just by looking at the eyes, it is known that with what problem a person is struggling. In … Read more

What is the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome, know how much it will cost – GoMedii

Nowadays the problem of irregular periods has become very common in girls. This problem can later take the form of PCOS. There was a time when women lived their lives within the four walls of the house. But now the times have changed so much that today women shoulder to shoulder with men and shoulder … Read more

Carcinoma Urinary Bladder Treatment Cost – GoMedii

Urinary bladder cancer is a life-threatening disease, apart from this it gives rise to many other life-threatening diseases. If you have symptoms of frequent urination or pain while urinating, you should consult a doctor immediately, if you want to consult a doctor Click here , You can get your treatment done in the best hospital … Read more

If you want to control weight, then tie the knot, this thing will not cost money, nor will you have to sweat in the gym.

Weight Loss Tips: Obesity is a serious problem in today’s time. Due to obesity, the risk of serious diseases related to diabetes and heart increases. For this reason, health experts advise people of all classes to do weight loss. According to him, the problem of increasing obesity in children can be even more serious. All … Read more

What is the Treatment for Adenocarcinoma Pancreas Cancer Know the Cost of its Treatment – GoMedii

Loss of appetite, back pain and swelling in the body are very common problems that happen to us regularly. We often ignore these symptoms and do not get treatment at the right time. What if we tell you that it can lead to life-threatening diseases? One of them is called adenocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer.which can spoil … Read more