What to Eat When You Have Heatstroke to Stay Safe in Summer

What to Eat When You Have Heatstroke to Stay Safe in Summer

As the summer season approaches, the risk of heat stroke also increases. Heat stroke can be a serious problem, in which the body temperature rises excessively and problems such as dehydration occur. In such a situation, it becomes very important to ensure good eating habits. In this blog we will know what to eat in … Read more

Diseases will not be able to reach you, just drink the water of this green vegetable daily, all diseases will be cured!

Diseases will not be able to reach you, just drink the water of this green vegetable daily, all diseases will be cured!

Benefits of Cucumber Water : Cucumber is very beneficial in summer. By eating it, the body obtains many nutrients, but its water is even more beneficial than cucumber, which provides double its benefits. According to health experts, drinking cucumber water daily on an empty stomach during the summer season can relieve the problems of falling … Read more

बेहद कमाल का है ये हरा फल, चेहरे के साथ सेहत के लिए भी है खास, जानें इससे होने वाले फायदों के बारें में

बेहद कमाल का है ये हरा फल, चेहरे के साथ सेहत के लिए भी है खास, जानें इससे होने वाले फायदों के बारें में

फेस की सुंदरता को बढ़ाने के लिए लोग कई उपाय करते हैं लेकिन आज हम आपको ऐसी सब्जी के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं, जिसका सेवन कर आप फेस के साथ-साथ दूसरी कई सारी बीमारियों से राहत पा सकते हैं. हम बात कर रहे हैं खीरे की. खीरा एक फल होता है जिसे आमतौर … Read more

खीरे के जैसी दिखने वाली ये सब्जी कई बीमारियों में रामबाण

खीरे के जैसी दिखने वाली ये सब्जी कई बीमारियों में रामबाण

पुराने समय में लोगों को कम बीमारियां हुआ करती थीं. इसका कारण शुद्ध आहार लेना था. पुराने समय के लोग घी, फल, डेयरी उत्पादन, खेतों में उगने वाली सब्जियां,आदि का सेवन करते थे. वही आजकल के खानपान की वजह से लोगों में कई प्रकार की बीमारियां होने लगी हैं. आप भी अपने आप को स्वस्थ … Read more

After making eyebrows, you also have severe burning sensation, then apply these 5 things to get relief

After making eyebrows, you also have severe burning sensation, then apply these 5 things to get relief

Threading Tips: Making eyebrows (Eyebrow) is an important part of our beauty routing. Due to this, the face looks beautiful and the eyes also look beautiful. But often due to threading, there is a problem of irritation, swelling or rashes in the eyebrows. Although some people only feel pain. If you are also among those … Read more

Cucumber-tomato combination will spoil your health, do not eat it even by mistake, otherwise you will get upset

Cucumber-tomato combination will spoil your health, do not eat it even by mistake, otherwise you will get upset

Cucumber-Tomato Combination : Salad is eaten a lot with food in the summer season. It is beneficial for health. In this season, it is very effective in keeping the body hydrated and keeping the digestive system healthy. Health experts also recommend eating salad to remove anemia in the body and for energy. Many things are … Read more

Eating cucumber at the wrong time will harm the body, know what is the right time to eat it?

Eating cucumber at the wrong time will harm the body, know what is the right time to eat it?

Cucumber Benefits: Cucumber is very beneficial for health. Eating this not only benefits the skin, but this vegetable is also considered very beneficial for the stomach. It has been said in Ayurveda that people who have the problem of Kapha dosha, they must know about the right time to eat cucumber. Because in such people … Read more

To avoid heatstroke and dehydration, eat these fruits and vegetables every day in summer

To avoid heatstroke and dehydration, eat these fruits and vegetables every day in summer

Hydrating Fruits And Vegetables For Summer: The hot, sizzling summer season has arrived. This is such a season in which you need to drink water more than eat. Because the problem of heat stroke and dehydration is quite common in this season. It is advised to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Sometimes just … Read more