Dengue Cases Rise in Bengaluru: Know These 5 Rules to Maintain Healthy Platelet Count Naturally

Home Lifestyle Dengue cases on the rise in Bengaluru: Know these five rules to maintain a healthy platelet count naturally Dengue cases are increasing in Karnataka. Here are some lifestyle habits that can help you maintain a healthy platelet count. Dengue cases are increasing in Karnataka and here’s how to avoid infection (Freepik) As the … Read more

दूसरी बार के मुकाबले पहली बार डेंगू के मच्छर का काटना हो सकता है जानलेवा, स्टडी में चौंकाने वाला खुलासा

<p style="text-align: justify;">केंद्र सरकार के ‘नेशनल सेंटर फॉर वेक्टर बोर्न डिजीज कंट्रोल’ के आंकड़ों से पता चलता है कि पिछले 3 सालों में डेंगू के 5.20 लाख से अधिक मामले सामने आए हैं. जिसमें से 740 लोगों की मौतें हुईं है. भारतीय रिसर्च की एक नए स्टडी में इस बात का खुलासा किया गया है … Read more

Immunity-Boosting Foods That Can Help You Prevent Dengue

Home Health Dengue Treatment: 5 Immunity Boosting Foods to Prevent The Risk of This Mosquito-Borne Illness Dengue patients have excruciating agony, a high body temperature, and weakness. Recovery might, in the worst-case circumstances, take months. An important factor in recovering from dengue fever is a balanced diet. Dengue Treatment: 5 Immunity Boosting Foods to Prevent … Read more

Dengue Fever: 8 Most Common Questions That Are Asked About The Disease, And Their Answers

Home Health Dengue Fever: 8 Most Common Questions That Are Asked About The Disease, And Their Answers Dengue cases are still witnessing a spurt and more and more people are getting hospitalised. Wondering what to eat, what precautions to take? Here is a dengue FAQ to answer your questions. Dengue Fever: Do Aedes Mosquito Bite … Read more

Side Effects of Paracetamol That Every Dengue Patient Should Know

Home Health Side Effects of Paracetamol That Every Dengue Patient Should Know Paracetamol is advised for dengue patients amid the rise in cases. Do you know paracetamol too has side effects when consumed in large amounts? Check. Side Effects of Paracetamol That Every Dengue Patient Should Know Amid the rise of dengue cases in India, … Read more

Dengue Diet: 5 Immunity-Boosting Drinks to Recover From Viral Infection

Home Health Dengue Diet: 5 Immunity-Boosting Drinks to Recover From Viral Infection When recovering from dengue, It’s important to increase the nutrition intake and keep yourself hydrated throughout. Dengue Diet: 5 Immunity-Boosting Drinks to Recover From Viral Infection Cases of Dengue have currently wreaked havoc all over the country. The cases are rising drastically … Read more

क्यों हर साल आ जाता है डेंगू और फिर शुरू हो जाता है मौत, केस, प्लेटलेट्स का तांडव!

भारत में हर कुछ महीनों बाद समाचार की सुर्खियों में डेंगू शामिल हो जाता है. फिर डेंगू से होने वाली मौत, प्लेटलेट्स को चर्चा शुरू हो जाती है. अब ये वक्त एक बार फिर हो गया है. पश्चिम बंगाल से लेकर दिल्ली तक इसके केस लगातार बढ़ते जा रहे हैं. दिल्ली में डेंगू की वजह … Read more

Dengue Cases: People With Diabetes Should Know These 5 Things

Home Health Dengue Cases: People With Diabetes Should Know These 5 Things Dengue can severely affect the organs when not treated at the right time. Here is how the infection may impact people living with comorbidities like diabetes, high blood pressure etc. Dengue Cases on Rise: How Mosquito-Borne Infection Affects People With Diabetes?(Freepik) Dengue is … Read more