Waking up closer to dawn and staying active throughout boosts mood and cognition

Waking up closer to dawn and staying active throughout boosts mood and cognition

Getting up early and staying consistently active throughout the day can improve a person’s cognition and make them happier, a new study finds. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) found that older adults who woke up before 7 a.m. depression. Interestingly, the study found that exercise duration was more important for brain … Read more

Regular patterns of activity are important for healthy aging and mental health, study suggests

Regular patterns of activity are important for healthy aging and mental health, study suggests

According to a new study led by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, older adults who consistently get up early and stay active throughout the day are happier and perform better on cognitive tests than those with irregular activity patterns. The findings, published online at JAMA Psychiatry, suggest that the activity patterns -; not only … Read more

Mental Health Diet: 5 Foods You Must Avoid That Cause Depression

Mental Health Diet: 5 Foods You Must Avoid That Cause Depression

Mental Health Diet: Major signs of depression include increased sadness and anxiety, as well as decreased appetite. There is no specific diet to treat depression, but for some people, certain foods and others less—or not at all—can help control their symptoms. The development, severity and duration of depression can be significantly influenced by nutrition.Also Read … Read more

4 subtle signs your mental health is on decline

4 subtle signs your mental health is on decline

There are times when things get too much stressfuloverwhelming and unmanageable and as his mental health starts to wane, you don’t really pay attention to the telltale signs, and it could all snowball into something serious, like a full-blown depression or anxiety attack. However, understanding your mental patterns is the key to optimal mental health. … Read more

After marrying very young, I realised I wasn’t straight. My mental health hit rock bottom. Here’s what saved my life…

After marrying very young, I realised I wasn’t straight. My mental health hit rock bottom. Here’s what saved my life…

By March 2020, my well-being had continued to deteriorate to the point where I thought ‘everyone else would be better off if I weren’t here anymore’. I felt that everything was on top of me and everything collapsed. I needed someone to help me. I was Googling emergency counseling services and the Samaritans kept coming … Read more

What is postpartum depression? Know its early symptoms and treatment

What is postpartum depression?  Know its early symptoms and treatment

Postpartum Depression: With the birth of a child in the house, the arrival of a new member in the family is very pleasant. Everyone is happy and like to play with the child. In the midst of all this, often the attention of the family does not go towards the mental health of the mother. … Read more

Quick guide to suicide prevention

Quick guide to suicide prevention

How can we prevent suicides among young people? All you need is a chance to reach someone who cares to listen: a relative, a friend, a colleague. That emotional support could change the trajectory of the patient’s thought process and nurture them back to life. Helpline numbers All of us experience periods of sadness and … Read more