The risk of diabetes increases not only because of eating sweets, but also because of this habit.

Diabetes is becoming a common disease today. Most people think sugar is to blame. It is also true that eating too much sugar causes diabetes, but in a new study, scientists have found that using plastic bottles also poses a risk of diabetes. There are dangerous chemicals there that can cause dangerous illnesses. This study, … Read more

This plant is a cure for diabetes, leaves are used to control sugar

Diabetes Treatment: Due to today’s lifestyle and food, a diabetic patient is seen in every other household of the country. It is becoming a common disease. If you also have this problem then there is no need to worry. Today we are going to tell you about a plant whose leaves are no less than … Read more

Control diabetes with herbal tea, make tea from cumin, fenugreek and fennel

Tea For Diabetes Patients: The tea of ​​a diabetic patient is the first to be missed. Doctors forbid to drink sweet tea with milk. In such a situation, you can replace your milk tea with herbal tea. Take full advantage of the sips of this herbal tea in the morning and evening. It helps in … Read more