This bitter thing can also increase the problems of diabetic patients, otherwise one should keep distance from them today…

Health tips: The number of diabetic patients in India is increasing day by day, the risk of diabetes is increasing rapidly not only with age but also among young people. This is partly due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, which cause people to become victims of diabetes at an early age. But most people … Read more

Eat almonds every morning on an empty stomach, these 5 diseases will be eradicated from their roots. GoMedii – Almonds Benefits Dietary Health and Beauty Benefits in Hindi

Many nutrients are found in almonds and provide relief from many diseases of the body. You can benefit from these benefits by eating almonds every morning on an empty stomach. Among dried fruits, almonds come first. It is said that eating two or three almonds every morning on an empty stomach cures all diseases in … Read more

These five sciences show a red alert! Be careful otherwise the sugar level could become high

Health advice: these five sciences show a red alert! Be careful otherwise the sugar level could become high Source link

If you always feel tired, these illnesses could be the cause.

Feeling tired has become common in today’s busy lives. Most people often experience fatigue due to workload, stress and irregular lifestyle. But if this fatigue persists and does not disappear even after rest, then it may be a sign of a serious illness.     Anemia   Anemia is a condition in which Body There … Read more

Diabetes is no longer incurable? This therapy will eliminate diabetes forever!

Diabetes : If all goes well, the day is not far away when diabetes will no longer be an incurable disease. You won’t have to worry about controlling it. Chinese scientists have achieved such a miracle. For the first time in the world, a patient’s diabetes has been cured using cell therapy. The team from … Read more

Risk of heart disease and diabetes may be zero if you do it daily

Cardiac disease: If you live outdoors and visit places like parks, your heart health will remain better. It also reduces the risk of dangerous diseases like heart attacks and diabetes. A recent study showed that spending time in nature reduces the risk of heart disease and many chronic illnesses. This also reduces the swelling problem. … Read more

डायबिटीज मरीजों को भूलकर भी नहीं खाने चाहिए ये फल, जानें कौन से खाना फायदेमंद

Diabetes Foods: डायबिटीज खराब लाइफस्टाइल और खानपान से पैदा हुई बीमारी है. भारत में ये बीमारी काफी तेजी से फैल रही है. यही कारण है कि डायबिटीज के मरीज खाने को लेकर काफी सतर्क रहते हैं. क्या चीज खानी है, क्या नहीं, इसका पूरा ख्याल रखते हैं. हालांकि, फलों को लेकर कई डायबिटीज पेशेंट कंफ्यूज भी … Read more

एक दिन में कितनी क्वांटिटी में शक्कर खा सकते हैं आप? इससे ज्यादा शुगर कर सकती है बीमार

Sugar Intake Per Day: चीनी अनहेल्दी फूड्स में आता है. इसे ज्यादा खाने से डायबिटीज, मोटापा, हैवी वेट जैसी गंभीर समस्याएं हो सकती हैं. कुल मिलाकर चीनी सेहत और फिटनेस दोनों का दुश्मन है. अक्सर लोग चीनी और मीठा खाने के नुकसान पर कई तरह की चर्चाएं भी करते हैं. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स भी इसे कम खाने … Read more