Blood sugar will be controlled overnight, just mix this thing in flour

Diet for Diabetic Patients:Diabetes has become a rapidly increasing problem affecting everyone – children, young and old. In such a situation, to avoid diabetes, one is advised to pay special attention to diet. It is especially advisable to avoid roti and rice, but it is very difficult to remove roti and rice from the Indian … Read more

Blood sugar increased during the festival season, control in these ways

Blood Sugar: It is difficult to imagine the festival season without sweets. Whether it is about Diwali, or Diwali Of the festivals that come immediately after, sweet food is prepared on every festival. However, too much sweets can raise your blood sugar level. In such a situation, increasing blood sugar can also increase your diabetes, … Read more

If you are troubled by the rising sugar level, then eat just one cucumber throughout the day, there will be many benefits

Diabetes Diet: Nowadays the increasing number of diabetic patients remains a matter of concern. In such a situation, diabetic patients need to pay a lot of attention to their diet. If such a person, who is suffering from diabetes, is careless in eating, then it can prove fatal for him. Actually, controlling blood sugar level … Read more

4 Effective Ways To Manage Low Blood Glucose Levels

Effective Ways to Control Low Blood Glucose Level: Diabetes contributes greatly to India’s health burden. According to a recent study conducted by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)India is the second largest house in the world Adult diabetic population And every sixth person with diabetes in the world is an Indian. The number of diabetic … Read more