Do you also reuse used oil? know its disadvantages

Do you also reuse used oil?  know its disadvantages

Reusing Cooking oil: Do you also re-use used oil? Know its disadvantages. Source link

Disadvantages of applying coconut oil on face, never use it like this

Disadvantages of applying coconut oil on face, never use it like this

Beauty Tips: If you are also using coconut oil on your face for skin care, then be careful. Yes, there are only a few such oils that you can use to enhance the face. Never include coconut oil in which. You may have to suffer because of this. Yes, many nutrients like protein, vitamins, iron, … Read more

Disadvantages of eating cucumber at night, know at what time you should eat cucumber

Disadvantages of eating cucumber at night, know at what time you should eat cucumber

Best Time To Eat Cucumber: Cucumber is very beneficial for health. By eating cucumber in summer, the lack of water in the body is fulfilled. There are many benefits of eating cucumber in summer. Cucumber is said to be a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. You can eat cucumber in salad, sandwich or raita. … Read more

Does Lemonade Detox You? What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages?

Does Lemonade Detox You?  What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages?

  If you believe the advice online, you would think that drinking drops of lemon juice in lukewarm water is detoxifying, invigorating and soothing. It is true that water and lemon juice are healthy in themselves. But if you mix them, are they healthy? Actually the answer is no. Can lemonade cause any harm? It’s … Read more