Yogasana for cervical, you will get instant relief in pain

Fastest Way To Cure Cervical Pain: Nowadays the problem of neck pain has increased due to working hours on laptops and computers. People’s screen time has increased a lot, whether it is mobile, laptop or computer and TV, they keep their eyes open for hours. In such a situation, people of all age groups are … Read more

If you are pregnant, do not do these 8 things even by mistake, there may be danger for the baby

What Should Pregnant Avoid Doing: Fitness balance diet is most important in pregnancy. Taking a good diet helps in the development of the child. During pregnancy, you should eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. During this, you should include such things in the diet, so that you and your baby can … Read more

Can I eat honey in the rain? Know its benefits

Honey Benefits: There is a risk of getting many types of diseases like flu, dengue, malaria and bacterial problems in the rainy season. To avoid these diseases, health experts recommend consuming things that boost immunity, so that the body’s ability to fight diseases increases. Many types of things can be consumed to boost immune power. … Read more

Keep diseases away in rainy season, just follow these simple tips

Rainy Season: Keep diseases away in the rainy season, just follow these simple tips. Source link

These tips are of great use, you will definitely be useful in the rainy season

Do And Don’ts In Rainy Season: The weather of drizzling rain looks very pleasant. The mind becomes happy seeing greenery all around. Nature spreads beauty all around and the air becomes pleasant. In the rain, the mind wants to dance like a peacock. That is why children and elders are not able to stop themselves … Read more

Survive the heat! Eating these things can be heavy on health

Food In Summer: You should take great care of diet in summer. Your food and drink can have a bad effect on your health. Food infections and food allergies are the most common in summer. In such a situation, you should eat according to your stomach and season. Your slight carelessness can make you ill. … Read more

Avoid this type of food in summer, it will not take long to get sick

Harmful Junk Food: In today’s lifestyle, eating and drinking has become very unhealthy. Due to this obesity, diabetes and heart related diseases have started happening. On the other hand, eating junk food in summer increases stomach problems. In such a situation, if you stay healthy for a long time, then completely remove junk food and … Read more

Keep distance from these things in summer, otherwise it will not take long to fall ill

Harmful Food In Summer: Being careless about eating and drinking in summer can take a toll on your health. Eating spoiled or stale food can cause stomach problems. Eating cold things in extreme heat can also cause problems. Keeping fruits or vegetables outside in the heat can make you sick. In such a situation, you … Read more