What diseases are caused by dirty water in India? See the full list here

What diseases are caused by dirty water in India? See the full list here

The number of deaths due to diseases caused by dirty water is increasing day by day. There has been a continuous increase in the number of deaths, both in cities and villages, due to water used in homes and drinking water. India is not spared from this situation either. Most parts of the country are … Read more

How dangerous can the bottle of water that comes home every day be for your health?

How dangerous can the bottle of water that comes home every day be for your health?

Plastic water bottle: Even though we claim to not use plastic, it is very difficult to remove plastic from our lives. In addition to using plastic bags to store their belongings, most people consume water in plastic bottles. Drinking water from plastic bottles may be convenient, but it’s not at all safe. According to a … Read more

Do you drink water right before bed? You are harming your health.

Do you drink water right before bed? You are harming your health.

Drinking water at night: Staying hydrated is very important for overall health. But you’ll be surprised to know that while drinking water is important for the body, the time you drink it is just as important. Yes, when you drink water plays a more important role than you think. Many people believe that by drinking … Read more

Are knees really damaged by standing and drinking water? know the truth

Are knees really damaged by standing and drinking water? know the truth

Drinking Water: Are knees really damaged by drinking water while standing? know the truth Source link

इन चीजों को खाने के तुरंत बाद भूल से भी न पिएं पानी, वरना बिगड़ सकती है सेहत

इन चीजों को खाने के तुरंत बाद भूल से भी न पिएं पानी, वरना बिगड़ सकती है सेहत

<p style="text-align: justify;">शरीर को हेल्दी और फिट रहने के लिए पानी पीना बेहद जरूरी है. आपने ध्यान दिया होगा कि डॉक्टर या डाइटिशियन अक्सर यह कहते हैं कि आप खाना थोड़ा भी खाएंगे तो चलेगा लेकिन ज्यादा से ज्यादा पानी पिएं. ऐसा इसलिए भी कहा जाता है क्योंकि पानी हमारे शरीर की गंदगी को बाहर … Read more

खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी पीना सही है? जान लें ये जरूरी बातें…

खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी पीना सही है? जान लें ये जरूरी बातें…

हम सभी जानते हैं कि पानी पीना हमारे हेल्थ के लिए काफी ज्यादा फायदेमंद है. लेकिन क्या खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी पीना सही है? आइए जानते हैं सही है या नहीं? हमने इस सावल के सही जवाब तक पहुंचने के लिए कई रिसर्च और आर्टिकल पढ़े. तब हम एक जवाब तक पहुंच पाए … Read more

Health Tips: Experts Reveal the Top Reasons to Drink Water 5 Times A Day

Health Tips: Experts Reveal the Top Reasons to Drink Water 5 Times A Day

Best time to drink water Drinking two to three liters of water in a day is good for health. But these are the five times when you must drink water. These help in keeping the body healthy. The body needs water in the same way as all other essential minerals. Water works to deliver all the essential … Read more