Spinach-Paneer should not be eaten together, know why

Bad Food Combinations: As soon as the winter season comes, green leafy vegetables start selling more in the market. In the cold season, people eat green leafy vegetables with great enthusiasm. People make green vegetables in different ways and it is eaten with different dishes. In the mountains, where greens are liked to be eaten … Read more

To keep warm in the body, these things must be eaten in winter, keep lifestyle like this

Ways to Avoid Thand: According to the information received from the Meteorological Department, the cold is going to increase rapidly in the coming week. The rapidly falling mercury is indicating the arrival of severe winter. Now is the time to prepare your body to fight the bone-chilling winter. So that there is protection from seasonal … Read more

How much, when and how should Chyawanprash be eaten in winter?

Chyawanprash In Winters: As soon as the winter season comes, everyone in the house starts saying that everyone should eat Chyawanprash. From childhood, children keep hearing these things from their parents and grandparents. Actually, Chyawanprash contains many herbs which work to warm our body and increase immunity so that it can help the body in … Read more

Eggs should not be eaten more than this in 1 day, know why

Eggs In A Day: Since childhood, we have been hearing one thing that whether it is Sunday or Monday, eat a lot of eggs. But till today no one would have told you how many eggs should be eaten. What to say if non-vegetarian people get eggs from morning breakfast to dinner. This is very … Read more

Potatoes are eaten a lot, but do you know about its benefits?

Potato Nutrition Facts: potato (potato) It is the most popular and most used vegetable in the world. This is such a vegetable which is used in all kinds of dishes from non-vegetarian to vegetarian. To say it is the most common vegetable, but it would not be wrong to say that potato is the king … Read more

Peanuts are not eaten for timepass, they have many great benefits, know

As soon as the winter season arrives, peanuts start selling in abundance in the market. Whether you are traveling in a bus while going to work or going to your native village by train, you will definitely find someone or the other who is eating peanuts next to you. Or it is eaten to cut … Read more

This is how bread is eaten

As important as food and drink is for the body, equally important is the right time and method of things related to food and drink. If you eat any food item rich in proteins, vitamins and nutrients at such a time. When our body is not in a condition to digest it, it becomes useless … Read more

Papaya should be eaten during pregnancy or not, know what is right

Pregnancy And Papaya: Pregnancy is a stage when women have to be well taken care of. During this, many changes take place in their body. Due to changes in hormones, they may have vomiting, nausea and body pain. At this time, the woman is conscious about the health of herself and her unborn child. During … Read more