Are you concerned about the problem of overeating? Swami Ramdev explained how to control

Are you concerned about the problem of overeating? Swami Ramdev explained how to control

Eating too much can ruin your habits, a new study finds. This means you may be experiencing an eating disorder. First, understand what an eating disorder is. And how does it affect your health? Its extreme condition makes people not only weak physically but also mentally. There will be many people around you who will … Read more

1 महीने में कितने दिन तक उपवास करना सही होता है? क्या स्वास्थ्य के लिए ये जरूरी है ?

1 महीने में कितने दिन तक उपवास करना सही होता है? क्या स्वास्थ्य के लिए ये जरूरी है ?

हिंदू धर्म में कई सारे त्यौहार आते हैं, जिस दिन महिला और पुरुष दोनों व्रत रखते हैं. कुछ लोग पूरे दिन कुछ नहीं खाते हैं वहीं कुछ ऐसे होते हैं जो फल, दूध का सेवन करते हैं. व्रत करने के दौरान क्या आपके मन में भी सवाल आता है, कि एक महीने में कितने दिन … Read more

अगर 7 दिन ‘सिर्फ पानी वाला व्रत’ रखें तो बॉडी के अंदर क्या होगा? जान लीजिए

अगर 7 दिन ‘सिर्फ पानी वाला व्रत’ रखें तो बॉडी के अंदर क्या होगा? जान लीजिए

Water Fasting: इस मॉर्डन लाइफस्टाइल में खुद को फिट रखना ही एक बहुत बड़ा चैलेंज है. खुद को हेल्दी, पतला, खूबसूरत दिखने के लिए लोग कई तरह के तरकीब अपनाते हैं. जैसे- मीठे फल, चीनी या चॉकलेट बिल्कुल भी खाना बंद कर देते हैं. लेकिन आज हम आपको वाटर फास्टिंग के बारे में बताने जा … Read more

Sudden weight loss: 10 reasons you are shedding too much weight unexpectedly

Sudden weight loss: 10 reasons you are shedding too much weight unexpectedly

when you are in a weightloss journey, the shedding of every inch and pound should be celebrated as it involves a lot of effort. But if you are losing weight unintentionally and without any effort, in addition to experiencing a number of worrying symptoms, you should investigate the reasons behind it, as it could indicate … Read more

Nutrition content is huge on TikTok, but a new study shows trends like #WhatIEatInADay may influence disordered eating behaviors

Nutrition content is huge on TikTok, but a new study shows trends like #WhatIEatInADay may influence disordered eating behaviors

While posting your weight loss journey or sharing your weekly grocery shopping with friends and followers on TikTok and other social media It may seem harmless, videos and hashtags like #WhatIEatInADay can actually help promote unhealthy eating behaviors in young adults, a new to study published in PLOS One found. Researchers at the University of … Read more

Why Do Teenagers Have Eating Disorders? Know the causes and symptoms here

Why Do Teenagers Have Eating Disorders?  Know the causes and symptoms here

Eating Disorders in TeenagerChildren often start gaining weight in adolescence. Actually, in this age, many times children get addicted to overeating. Many times, due to overeating of children, along with increasing weight, there is also a problem of stomach upset. In such a situation, children have the problem of vomiting before and after eating food. … Read more

‘I was either morbidly obese or dangerously thin – then I started to exercise the right way’

‘I was either morbidly obese or dangerously thin – then I started to exercise the right way’

Beau Marksohn, 41, is a mental health activist and lives in London. I was volunteering with a mental health charity that needed help delivering food parcels to some of its vulnerable members during the first lockdown, so I started riding my bike as a means of getting around. I soon discovered that I loved it, … Read more

Disordered eating – 5 signs that are normalised; breaking the habit for healthy eating

Disordered eating – 5 signs that are normalised; breaking the habit for healthy eating

Disordered eating – 5 signs that normalize; breaking the habit for healthy eating Photo: iStock KEY POINTS Mental health problems that affect an individual’s eating behaviors are known as eating disorders. Since these problems are psychological, the diagnosis is often carried out until it is too late. Read on for some signs and symptoms of … Read more