Wrong eating habit can play a role in gastric band, do not make such a mistake even by mistake.

Wrong eating habit can play a role in gastric band, do not make such a mistake even by mistake.

Healthy eating habits: Due to a busy lifestyle and busy life, people don’t even have time to eat properly. This is why most people wake up quickly after eating. The effect of which can be dangerous. Because of this, many serious problems can arise in the body. In fact, when chewing food, it breaks into … Read more

बिना डाइट और एक्सरसाइज के इस शख्स ने घटाया 20 किलो वजन, आप भी फॉलो करें ये पांच गोल्डन रूल्स

बिना डाइट और एक्सरसाइज के इस शख्स ने घटाया 20 किलो वजन, आप भी फॉलो करें ये पांच गोल्डन रूल्स

<p style="text-align: justify;">बिना डाइट और एक्सरसाइज के आप आसानी से 20 किलो वजन घटा सकते हैं? यह बात सुनकर कोई बोल दे कि यह बिल्कुल गलत बात है लेकिन एक जिम ट्रेनर ने दावा किया है कि वह ऐसा कर सकते हैं. इसके लिए बस उनके दिए हुए 5 गोल्डन रूल्स को फॉलो करना होगा. … Read more

Diabetic patients are increasing rapidly in India because of mayonnaise, chips and biscuits, research has revealed.

Diabetic patients are increasing rapidly in India because of mayonnaise, chips and biscuits, research has revealed.

Research has shown that due to ultra-processed foods, India is becoming the diabetes capital of the world. 38 people were included in the research and clinical trials were conducted on them. Products such as chips, biscuits, cakes, fried foods and mayonnaise have been found to be high in advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These directly … Read more

There are huge benefits of eating slowly, know why elders advise eating slowly.

There are huge benefits of eating slowly, know why elders advise eating slowly.

Eating habits : Eating fast is considered the work of the devil. Elders advise eating slowly and chewing food. It is said at home that you should chew food at least 32 times. This has many health benefits. This rule has been in practice for a very long time. Many experts also believe that chewing … Read more

5 Essential Tips For a Healthy Lifestyle Amidst Wedding Preparation Chaos

5 Essential Tips For a Healthy Lifestyle Amidst Wedding Preparation Chaos

Home Health 5 Essential Tips For a Healthy Lifestyle Amidst Wedding Preparation Chaos Wedding preparations can be exhilarating but also quite hectic. It’s essential to prioritise your well-being during busy times. Here are 5 practical tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle alongside the chaos of wedding planning. 5 Essential Tips For a Healthy Lifestyle Amidst … Read more

आप भी खाते हैं देर रात तक खाना? तो आज से ही सुधार लें ये आदत, नहीं तो हो सकती है कई बड़ी बीमारियां

आप भी खाते हैं देर रात तक खाना? तो आज से ही सुधार लें ये आदत, नहीं तो हो सकती है कई बड़ी बीमारियां

भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में खुद के लिए समय निकालना काफी मुश्किल होता है. ऐसा ही कुछ तब होता है, जब आप दिन भर नौकरी कर रात में घर आते हैं. चाहे लड़का हो या लड़की जब वह रात में जॉब से फ्री होकर आते हैं, तो पूरी फैमिली साथ बैठकर खाना खाती है. ऐसे में … Read more

क्या आप रात में खाते हैं फ्रूट्स, तो जान लीजिए इस समय फल खाना कितना फायदेमंद, कितना नुकसानदायक?

क्या आप रात में खाते हैं फ्रूट्स, तो जान लीजिए इस समय फल खाना कितना फायदेमंद, कितना नुकसानदायक?

क्या आप रात में खाते हैं फ्रूट्स, तो जान लीजिए इस समय फल खाना कितना फायदेमंद, कितना नुकसानदायक? Source link

7 Worst Eating Habits That May Cause Constipation, Acidity in Your 40s

7 Worst Eating Habits That May Cause Constipation, Acidity in Your 40s

Home Lifestyle 7 Worst Eating Habits That May Cause Constipation, Acidity in Your 40s How we at and what we eat has consequences more than we comprehend. Did you know few common dietary habits can actually take a toll on your health in later stages of your life? Read on to know more. What you … Read more