This is how bread is eaten

As important as food and drink is for the body, equally important is the right time and method of things related to food and drink. If you eat any food item rich in proteins, vitamins and nutrients at such a time. When our body is not in a condition to digest it, it becomes useless … Read more

Excessive hunger is not a normal condition, it could be binge eating disorder

Binge Eating Disorder : If you or someone you know is eating more food than you need or more than your appetite, or he is feeling hungry again and again, then he may be a victim of binge eating. It is a kind of disorder. Binge eating is a habit of overeating or a problem … Read more

Most of the youth do not know these rules related to food, do you know?

Right way of eating: Not only humans but animals also eat food. But if someone tells you that in today’s time, animals are smarter than humans in terms of food! You will be surprised to hear this and maybe even feel bad that how educated modern man can be compared with animals! But the truth … Read more