Do Goitrogenic Foods Negatively Affect Thyroid Health?

Goitrogens are compounds found naturally in certain plants. Animal studies suggest these foods may interfere with uptake of iodine, essential to thyroid function. Without sufficient iodine, the pituitary releases thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and promotes the growth of thyroid tissue, which eventually leads to enlargement of the gland, or goiter. If the goiter grows large, it … Read more

5 Ways to Add Easy Vegetable and Fruits to Your Child’s Diet

We all have heard the “5 A Day” slogan from the United States Department of Agriculture for years now. But, did you know that the recommendation has been raised to 7 to 13 servings PER DAY? That may seem overwhelming to the average parent! Why do we need so many fruits and vegetables anyway? Fruits … Read more

Lead Poisoning: Your Health, Your Insurance Coverage

It was not that long ago when the water crisis in Flint, Michigan took place and residents worried about the lead content. For years, home and property owners and managers, as well as mortgage companies have known about lead risks. Recent studies about the metal exposure in many parts of the country have raised significant … Read more

A Periodization Primer for Cyclists

Periodization is the process of dividing an annual training plan into specific time blocks, where each block has a particular goal and provides your body with different types of stress. Some periods of training are harder and some are easier to allow for recovery. Periodization also develops different energy systems during various phases of training … Read more

Obesity – a Major Problem

Obesity is a major problem with it affecting children as well as adults. Obesity is when there is too much stored in the body’s fatty tissues. When this excess increases, there is a corresponding increase to other medical risk as well. Some of these medical risks have the possibility to be life threatening. The severity … Read more

Why New Years Resolutions Fail

Well, its now 2008. A year full of promise, a year filled with love, health, wealth, fitness, joy, happiness and anything else you might wish for. This is the time of year that people all over the world decide to change their lives forever. It’s the time for resolutions, New Years Resolutions that is. A … Read more

How to Train to Be a Bodybuilder – Dietary Supplements and Bodybuilding

While trying to find out about how to train to be a bodybuilder, one often comes across information regarding dietary supplements that can aid the process of bodybuilding to a large extent. The fact is that one should regard all the claims made in the advertisements for such products very carefully, before selecting the most … Read more

Soursop And Cancer Cure – Fact Or Fad

Graviola or Soursop, as it is often connoted is a flowering and fruit bearing tree found in abundance in the rain forests of South America, Africa and even Southeast Asia. The more scientifically would find it interesting that Soursop also has a scientific name: Annona Muricata. Some of the more popular alternative names for this … Read more