सुबह, शाम या फिर दोपहर… क्या है ड्राई फ्रूट्स खाने का सही वक्त?

सुबह, शाम या फिर दोपहर… क्या है ड्राई फ्रूट्स खाने का सही वक्त?

अच्छी सेहत हर कोई पाना चाहता है, इसके लिए लोग जिम जाते हैं, फ्रूटस खाते हैं. लेकिन बहुत कम लोग होते हैं, जो अपने आप को फीट रख पाते हैं. वहीं आप भी फीट रहना चाहते हैं, तो ये खबर आपके लिए है. वैसे तो बाजार में कई जूस, पाउडर, दवाइयां मिलती है, जिसका सेवन … Read more

Weight Loss With Fig Water: 5 Reasons to Have This Magical Drink on an Empty Stomach

Weight Loss With Fig Water: 5 Reasons to Have This Magical Drink on an Empty Stomach

Home Lifestyle Weight Loss With Fig Water: 5 Reasons to Have This Magical Drink on an Empty Stomach There are several foods suitable for a weight loss diet. Consider including fig water into your morning routine for effective results. Weight Loss With Fig Water: 5 Reasons to Have This Magical Drink on an Empty Stomach … Read more

वजन कम करने से लेकर BP कंट्रोल करने तक, अंजीर में छिपा है सेहत का खज़ाना, जानें इसके फायदे

वजन कम करने से लेकर BP कंट्रोल करने तक, अंजीर में छिपा है सेहत का खज़ाना, जानें इसके फायदे

वजन कम करने से लेकर BP कंट्रोल करने तक, अंजीर में छिपा है सेहत का खज़ाना, जानें इसके फायदे Source link

Which dry fruits should be eaten in summer and which ones are harmed by eating them?

Which dry fruits should be eaten in summer and which ones are harmed by eating them?

Dry fruits are beneficial for health. This thing is not hidden from anyone. To maintain heat in the body in winter, people prefer to eat dry fruits on an empty stomach or in the evening. But can we eat dry fruits in summer? In winter, dry fruits are eaten for heat in the body, but … Read more

Eat this thing after soaking it in water, you will get immediate relief from the problem of constipation.

Eat this thing after soaking it in water, you will get immediate relief from the problem of constipation.

Anjeer For Constipation: Constipation is also a serious disease, which, if not treated on time, can lead to many physical problems, including piles. Constipation is such a problem, in which your stomach is not cleaned properly or say that you get stool once in 2-3 days. These days a large number of people are struggling … Read more

If you eat these 5 things soaked in water, then these diseases will not happen…try it once

If you eat these 5 things soaked in water, then these diseases will not happen…try it once

Benefits Of Soaking Food Items:  You must have seen the elders of your house that they eat many food items after soaking. But have you ever tried to know that after soaking What happens if you eat anything? Actually, there are some such things like almonds, raisins, gram, which are soaked and eaten, their nutrients … Read more

Know the right way to eat dry fruits in summer, otherwise you will have to buy them

Know the right way to eat dry fruits in summer, otherwise you will have to buy them

Dry Fruits In Summer: Eating dry fruits is very beneficial for health, although some people believe that dry fruits should not be consumed in summer because it increases the heat in the body, they are eaten in winter to keep the body warm. Some people believe that eating dry fruits in summer increases acne and … Read more

Figs For Weight Loss: If you want to lose weight, then figs will make your dream come true, just use it like this

Figs For Weight Loss: If you want to lose weight, then figs will make your dream come true, just use it like this

Figs For Weight Loss: Fig is such a dry fruit that apart from being delicious, it also keeps many diseases away from you. Along with this, our body gets a lot of strength from this dry fruit and bones also become strong. Apart from this, figs are also considered very beneficial for men. Every person … Read more