Migraine Symptoms: Mild headache is not the onset of migraine, find out from these symptoms

Migraine Symptoms: Usually everyone has the problem of headache. But most of the people, when they have severe headache, take medicine and eat it. There are some people who ignore the mild headache that occurs daily. Dizziness, darkness in front of the eyes or pain in the neck can also be the initial symptoms of … Read more

Is the salt you are using is pure or not? find out like this

Salt Purity Test: Salt enhances the taste of food. It is difficult to imagine eating without salt. Salt is one such ingredient in chili-spices, which is used in food. Even if we can cook food without other spices, but it is not possible without salt. Salt not only enhances the taste of food but is … Read more

Drive away the risk of malaria by eating kheer, you will find this information interesting

How to Prevent Malaria: Mosquitoes are at their peak once again. The rain is almost gone and the weather is slowly turning to welcome winter. The name of this change in the weather is autumn. In our country there are three seasons but there are four seasons. When autumn comes after the rains, the air … Read more

How safe is your heart? Find out with this test at home

Types Of Heart Tests At Home: The number of people dying of heart diseases is increasing all over the world including India. According to the WHO, the death toll of youth due to heart diseases in India accounts for 20 percent of the deaths due to heart diseases in the world. For some time, the … Read more

Don’t Trust The Headlines Making Huge Health Claims About a Single Food. Here’s Why

You’ve probably read the stories touting that eating blueberries reduces the risk of dementia, that red wine is good for your heart, or that coffee protects against type 2 diabetes – or, indeed, many of the other great health claims for a particular “superfood.” But what is the truth in these statements? While we, a … Read more

Group most at risk of Covid despite vaccine

Lifestyle Apr 15, 2022 08:28 pm2 minutes to read People with mental health disorders may be at higher risk of contracting covid-19 even if they have been vaccinated, according to US researchers. One study found that having a mental health disorder, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and eating disorders, … Read more