What causes cholesterol to build up in the veins? Are you making this mistake?

What causes cholesterol to build up in the veins? Are you making this mistake?

Cholesterol Cholesterol is a chemical compound necessary for the formation of cells in the body, but when it increases beyond a certain limit, it can also become dangerous. Increased cholesterol is harmful to the heart and brain. This can cause serious kidney damage. Cholesterol increases because of our diet. There are two types of cholesterol. … Read more

There is a hidden health treasure in this vegetable, it is not only good for taste but also good for health.

There is a hidden health treasure in this vegetable, it is not only good for taste but also good for health.

Bhindi is also commonly known as okra and in English it is called lady finger. Ladyfinger contains high fiber and many types of vitamins and minerals are found in it. Calcium is also found in okra and contains excellent anti-obesity properties. Okra is said to be beneficial in controlling sugar. The eugenol present in it … Read more

These tasty foods are nothing short of ‘poison’… keep your distance from them today, or else…

These tasty foods are nothing short of ‘poison’… keep your distance from them today, or else…

Junk Food: These Tasty Foods Are Nothing Less Than “Poison”… Keep Your Distance From Them Today, Or… Source link

You consume one plastic credit in seven days from food and drinks alone.

You consume one plastic credit in seven days from food and drinks alone.

Side effects of plastic: Plastic has become a part of our lives every time we sleep, wake up and move. This is just the plastic we can see. Micro and nanoplastics are not visible to the naked eye. This is harmful not only to the environment but also to our bodies. Micro-nanoplastics hide in everything: … Read more

If you have any respiratory disease, do not consume this thing, even by mistake, it could be harmful.

If you have any respiratory disease, do not consume this thing, even by mistake, it could be harmful.

A respiratory disease that affects the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. Respiratory diseases can be caused by infections, smoking, or inhaling secondhand tobacco smoke, radon, asbestos, or other forms of air pollution. Respiratory diseases include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer. It is also called lung … Read more

These things prevent blood from reaching the brain, prevent them from today

These things prevent blood from reaching the brain, prevent them from today

The worst food for the brain :The brain is one of the most important organs of our body. It plays an important role in the better functioning of the body. In such a situation, it is important to take care of it properly. It can be kept in good condition by taking care of small … Read more

Do not do this with leftover food, even by mistake, this habit can make you sick.

Do not do this with leftover food, even by mistake, this habit can make you sick.

Health tips: The use of plastic has increased drastically. Today, it is used everywhere. Even plastic utensils are used in homes. Some people even store leftover food in plastic utensils. Plastic utensils are considered good for microwave and oven, but they have adverse side effects on health. Many people consider storing leftover food from the … Read more

There are huge benefits of eating slowly, know why elders advise eating slowly.

There are huge benefits of eating slowly, know why elders advise eating slowly.

Eating habits : Eating fast is considered the work of the devil. Elders advise eating slowly and chewing food. It is said at home that you should chew food at least 32 times. This has many health benefits. This rule has been in practice for a very long time. Many experts also believe that chewing … Read more