Music Is Just as Powerful at Improving Mental Health as Exercise, Review Suggests

Music Is Just as Powerful at Improving Mental Health as Exercise, Review Suggests

Next time you can’t get to the gym, maybe make some records instead: New research suggests that the positive mental health impact of singing, playing or listening to music is similar to the impact experienced with exercise or weight loss. weight. . That’s based on a meta-analysis covering 26 previous studies and a total of … Read more

The future of nutrition advice

The future of nutrition advice

The answer may be precision nutrition, which aims to understand the health effects of the complex interplay between genetics, our microbiome (the bacteria that live in our gut), our diet and physical activity level, and other social characteristics and behavioral. That means everyone could have their own unique set of nutritional requirements. How is that … Read more

Why ‘Prolonged Grief Disorder’ Has Mental Health Professionals Split

Why ‘Prolonged Grief Disorder’ Has Mental Health Professionals Split

Photo: Artur Widak/NurPhoto (fake images) TThe American Psychiatric Association last week officially presented a new diagnosable mental health condition: prolonged grief disorder. The news, while welcomed by some doctors and researchers, has also been controversial.. At the center of the debate it is the long-standing question of how to define suffering, as well as how … Read more

10 Facts About Tuberculosis (TB) You Must Know

10 Facts About Tuberculosis (TB) You Must Know

Every year World Tuberculosis Day is observed to raise public awareness and understanding about TB, one of the world’s deadliest infectious killers, and its devastating health, social and economic consequences for people around the world.Also read – 8 Healthy Habits For Women To Consider In Their 30s The bacterium that causes tuberculosis infects about a … Read more

Understanding the Relationship Between Diabetes and Gut Health

Understanding the Relationship Between Diabetes and Gut Health

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs when blood glucose or blood sugar levels are too high. This happens when our pancreas can no longer make a hormone called insulin (type 1) or when our body produces pancreas that becomes sensitive to insulin (type 2). The most common form of diabetes is type 2 … Read more

14 Signs And Symptoms to Identify Iron Deficiency

14 Signs And Symptoms to Identify Iron Deficiency

How often do you feel drowsy or tired? Can you barely climb CDs without getting wind even though you are physically fit? If so, you may have an iron deficiency.Also read – Poor lifestyle choices by youngsters during lockdowns lead to increase in TB cases Although many people do not consider iron as a nutrient, … Read more

Poor Lifestyle Choices by Youngsters Lead to Surge in Tuberculosis Cases During Lockdown

Poor Lifestyle Choices by Youngsters Lead to Surge in Tuberculosis Cases During Lockdown

Tuberculosis (a case of TB) has increased among young people around 16-22 years of age due to poor lifestyle choices such as physical inactivity, improper diet and sleep schedule and increasing screen time. Get rid of a sedentary lifestyle, follow a well-balanced diet, exercise daily and reduce screen time to prevent tuberculosis in the young … Read more