Headache: No need to eat ‘painkiller’ in headache, just get rid of it in these 5 easy ways

Headache: Due to the tension and stress of the day, many times a severe pain in the head is experienced. To get rid of it, most people use painkillers. According to a study conducted in 2022, around one in 6 people worldwide has a headache for some reason or the other. Some people are troubled … Read more

How much ghee is good for health? Learn

How much ghee is good for your health: Until recently, people who were worried about weight and figure did not eat ghee in their food. People used to believe that eating ghee would increase their weight. However, today’s scene is different. Ghee is now considered a superfood and some amount of ghee is beneficial for … Read more

Heart Health: Eat this vegetable to keep the heart healthy, many diseases will be far away

Healthy Tips: To improve heart health, special attention is needed on the diet (Healthy Diet for Heart). If you want to keep your heart healthy, then choose a healthy diet. There are many such vegetables around us, which are considered healthy for health. Arbi is also included in these vegetables. However, arbi is not green, … Read more