गर्मियों में इस वजह से बढ़ जाती है पैरों की जलन, तुरंत करें ठीक वरना… हो सकती है ये गंभीर बीमारी

गर्मियों में इस वजह से बढ़ जाती है पैरों की जलन, तुरंत करें ठीक वरना… हो सकती है ये गंभीर बीमारी

गर्मियों में इस वजह से बढ़ जाती है पैरों की जलन, तुरंत करें ठीक वरना… हो सकती है ये गंभीर बीमारी Source link

Diabetic patients often have burning sensation in their feet, know its reason and method of prevention

Diabetic patients often have burning sensation in their feet, know its reason and method of prevention

Diabetes is such a disease that once it has taken a person under its control, then it leaves behind only after death. One thing is often said about the disease of diabetes that it gradually makes a person hollow from inside. Today we will talk about the burning sensation in the feet of diabetic patients. … Read more

If there is burning and itching in the feet, then do these home remedies to get relief

If there is burning and itching in the feet, then do these home remedies to get relief

Burning Problem In Feet: In summer, the problem of burning and itching in the feet increases significantly for some people. The burning sensation in the soles is often not tolerated. At the same time, some people are troubled by itching. Sometimes wearing the wrong footwear makes this problem worse. Due to dryness in the feet … Read more