If acidity bothers you, these 6 things kept in the kitchen will give you relief.

If acidity bothers you, these 6 things kept in the kitchen will give you relief.

Acid reflux: Due to irregular eating habits and poor lifestyle, many types of stomach problems can arise. One of them includes the problem of acidity. Eating rotten and too spicy food can lead to acidity problems. If there is a problem of burning sensation in the stomach and chest, acidic gases start rising in the … Read more

Feeling Embarrassed By Armpit Smell, Always Stay Cheerful With These Methods

Feeling Embarrassed By Armpit Smell, Always Stay Cheerful With These Methods

The monsoon has arrived, due to which sometimes it rains heavily and sometimes the humidity is stifling and one sweats profusely. Due to this, sweat accumulates in the armpits and this area starts to smell bad. Due to this, it often happens that people do not even like to sit near you and you feel … Read more

Are people hesitant to talk to you? Is the bad smell coming out of your mouth the reason?

Are people hesitant to talk to you? Is the bad smell coming out of your mouth the reason?

You are very friendly. Your behavior is very good. You are famous among people, yet people move away while talking to you. The reason for this may also be the bad smell coming out of your mouth. In fact, if we look at the statistics, about 55 percent of people in the world suffer from … Read more

Monsoon Home Remedies: Herbal Tea to Ginger, 6 Natural Ways to Lower Risk of Tonsilitis

Monsoon Home Remedies: Herbal Tea to Ginger, 6 Natural Ways to Lower Risk of Tonsilitis

Home Lifestyle Home Remedies for Monsoon: Herbal Tea and Ginger: 6 Natural Ways to Reduce the Risk of Tonsillitis Monsoon rains bring with them a host of health problems and tonsillitis is one of them. However, home remedies can help relieve the pain and also reduce the risk of infection. Home remedies can help reduce … Read more

Simple Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oily Skin and Dry Skin – GoMedii – Home Remedies for Oily and Dry Skin in Hindi

Simple Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oily Skin and Dry Skin – GoMedii – Home Remedies for Oily and Dry Skin in Hindi

Ways to get rid of oily skin and dry skin:- Every man and woman loves to look beautiful. And everyone would like their face to be flawless and beautiful. But pimples, dark spots, wrinkles, scars, pimples and many other types of blemishes on skin and face make our face ugly. Because of which the face … Read more

If infection occurs after nose or ear piercing, then adopt this remedy, you will get immediate relief.

If infection occurs after nose or ear piercing, then adopt this remedy, you will get immediate relief.

Nose and ear piercing is an old tradition in India and is still a part of fashion. If proper care is not taken after piercing, an infection may occur in the nose or ears, causing pain and itching. Apart from this, infection can also occur if jewelry made of unsuitable metal is worn. As the … Read more

ब्रश करते वक्त आपके दांतों से भी आता है खून ? जानें इसकी वजह और इससे बचने के उपाय

ब्रश करते वक्त आपके दांतों से भी आता है खून ? जानें इसकी वजह और इससे बचने के उपाय

<div id=":r5" class="Am aiL Al editable LW-avf tS-tW tS-tY" tabindex="1" role="textbox" spellcheck="false" aria-label="Message Body" aria-multiline="true" aria-owns=":tj" aria-controls=":tj" aria-expanded="false"> <p>अधिकतर लोगों को ब्रश करते वक्त दांतों से खून निकलने लगता है. लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं, इसके पीछे की वजह और इससे बचाव का तरीका क्या है. अगर नहीं तो ये खबर आपके लिए है. इस … Read more

अगर काली पड़ रही है गर्दन तो समझ लीजिए संकट से जूझ रहा यह अंग, जानें कैसे कर सकते हैं बचाव

अगर काली पड़ रही है गर्दन तो समझ लीजिए संकट से जूझ रहा यह अंग, जानें कैसे कर सकते हैं बचाव

भागदोड़ भरी जिंदगी में खुद के लिए टाइम निकालना काफी मुश्किल हो गया है. ऐसे में हम शरीर और सेहत दोनों का ख्याल नहीं रख पाते हैं जिससे कई दिक्कत होने लगती है. इसी के चलते लोगों की गर्दन काली पड़ने लगती है. इसका एक कारण साफ सफाई नहीं रखना हो सकता है. लेकिन क्या … Read more