Attention ! Stress is increasing the problem of headache, young people are more at risk, know the reason

Headache There is a shocking revelation in a report. According to this, the problem of headache is increasing rapidly in India. The worst effect of the Corona epidemic (Covid 19) has been on the mental health of the people. Cases of stress and tension have increased. According to this recent report, India has been badly … Read more

Magic hug works just like any medicine, know what science says

Know The Health Benefits Of Cuddling:Do you ever hesitate to hug your partner with love? Or, when there is a lot of tension, then it seems that just hug the mother and cry. At such a time, have you ever thought that hugging and crying, giving a loving hug, what is the magic in this … Read more

Women are far ahead of men in chatting on WhatsApp, revealed in a survey

WhatsApp Chatting For Mental Health: Once upon a time, the telephone was the only means of instant communication. On which women used to talk for hours. Now there are many platforms to talk. Facebook Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp. In which WhatsApp has become the easiest and fastest means of chatting. According to the statistics of … Read more

Want to get over Chronic Stress? Try Effective 7 Step Plan

How To Deal With Chronic Stress: Dr Meredith Coles, a professor of psychology in the US, who is also the director of the anxiety clinic at Binghamton University, says that our body is not made to be under constant stress, so even though there is stress in today’s lifestyle, but we have to deal with … Read more

The best way to avoid stress, know how you can live a stress free life

How To Live Stress Free: To reduce stress or its bad effect on our heart and mind, change the way we understand and see stress. If you are thinking about anything. If we have some reflection or are a little stressed, then stop getting angry with yourself for that matter. The author of a book … Read more

Stress will be relieved with taste, these 6 fruits are very effective in relieving stress

What To Eat In Stress: Due to stress, there has been a rapid change in the behavior and thinking of people, which is having a bad effect on both family and social life. Even on the work front, people are not able to work with the joy and energy that they require. Because stress dominates … Read more