These superfoods won’t let your eyesight weaken, add them to your diet today.

These superfoods won’t let your eyesight weaken, add them to your diet today.

Superfood for eyesight: Eyes are considered a blessing for life. But in the new era, people’s eyesight began to fade rapidly. Due to age, lack of sleep, increased screen time and lack of nutrition, people are increasingly falling victim to poor eyesight. In such a situation, it is absolutely necessary to have a suitable diet … Read more

No incisions or stitching, you can call the glasses “Tata” and your vision will return in five minutes.

No incisions or stitching, you can call the glasses “Tata” and your vision will return in five minutes.

If we talk about the most important organ of the body, then the name of the eyes is definitely taken, because due to their deficiency, life is gloomy. Nowadays, the lifestyle has become so busy that most of the time is spent on smartphones, TV and laptops, which affects the eyes the most. Because of … Read more

आंखों से उतारना चाहते हैं चश्मा और बढ़ाना चाहते हैं रोशनी तो अपनी डाइट में शामिल कर लें ये चीजे

आंखों से उतारना चाहते हैं चश्मा और बढ़ाना चाहते हैं रोशनी तो अपनी डाइट में शामिल कर लें ये चीजे

Eyesight Improve Tips : आजकल की लाइफस्टाइल और खानपान का असर आंखों पर भी पड़ रहा है. स्मार्टफोन और दूसरे गैजेट्स की वजह से आंखों की रोशनी प्रभावित हो रही है. ऐसे में पोषक तत्वों की भूमिका बढ़ जाती है. आंखों की सेहत को बनाए रखने के लिए कई तरह के पोशक तत्व जरूरी होते हैं. … Read more

If your eyes look less or blurred, then change your diet, these 4 things will keep the light intact, for years

If your eyes look less or blurred, then change your diet, these 4 things will keep the light intact, for years

Foods For Weak Eyesight : Nowadays the eyesight is getting affected by the use of mobile and laptop. Lifestyle is also largely responsible for this. With a healthy lifestyle and a good diet, you can improve your eyesight. Today we are going to tell you about such foods, by including them in your diet, you … Read more

Eyes also need special care in summer, include these foods in your diet from today itself.

Eyes also need special care in summer, include these foods in your diet from today itself.

Eye Care Tips: To live a healthy life, it is necessary to have better eye health. However, many people spend time with the screen for a long time, which leads to many vision related problems. A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good eye health. Including a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet … Read more

Eye Care Tips: Not Just Carrots But Include THESE 8 Foods In Your Diet To Boost Eye Sight

Eye Care Tips: Not Just Carrots But Include THESE 8 Foods In Your Diet To Boost Eye Sight

Home Health Eye Care Tips: Not Just Carrots, But Include THESE 8 Foods In Your Diet To Improve Eyesight Eye Care Tips: While carrots are the first association people make with food when it comes to improving eyesight, there are several other healthy foods that can help improve our vision. Eye Care Tips: These 8 … Read more

Youths who stay online for hours must consume fennel, you will be happy to know the reason

Youths who stay online for hours must consume fennel, you will be happy to know the reason

Why Should Eat Fennel Seeds: Whether you stay online for any reason and watch the screen for many hours a day, it is important for you to eat fennel. You would say that what does eating fennel have to do with being online? So you are being told about this here. Believe me, after reading … Read more

By eating 1 kiwi daily, the glasses on the eyes will come off, know the benefits of eating kiwi

By eating 1 kiwi daily, the glasses on the eyes will come off, know the benefits of eating kiwi

Kiwi For Eyes: Kiwi is one such fruit which is rich in nutrients. By eating kiwi, the body gets essential vitamins. You can eat kiwi as a snack or fruit salad. By eating 1 kiwi daily, the problem of eyes intensifies. Due to this, cataract and many eye problems stay away. The vitamins and minerals … Read more