Know How To Keep Your Heart Healthy – Heart Ko Healthy Kaise Rakhe in Hindi GoMedii

Know How To Keep Your Heart Healthy – Heart Ko Healthy Kaise Rakhe in Hindi GoMedii

How to keep a healthy heart? This question is very special for people who are suffering from heart diseases or are prone to suffer from it. Heart diseases are often very serious. Although there are simple ways to keep your heart healthy, you can keep it healthy. There are measures and ways to keep the … Read more

सीढ़ियां चढ़ते समय कहीं आप भी तो नहीं महसूस कर रहे ऐसा, जानिए क्या कह रहा आपका दिल

सीढ़ियां चढ़ते समय कहीं आप भी तो नहीं महसूस कर रहे ऐसा, जानिए क्या कह रहा आपका दिल

Heart Health: अगर सीढ़ियां चलते समय सांस फूले या पसीना या फिर थकावट आ रहा है तो सावधान हो जाना चाहिए. क्योंकि ये दिल से जुड़ी बीमारियों के संकेत हैं. ऐसे में बिना समय गंवाए तुरंत डॉक्टर के पास जाना चाहिए. एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक, अगर थोड़ी सीढ़ियां चढ़ते ही सीने में दर्द महसूस हो या दिल … Read more

कम उम्र में बढ़ रहे हार्ट अटैक के मामले, भूलकर भी न करें इन चीजों का सेवन

कम उम्र में बढ़ रहे हार्ट अटैक के मामले, भूलकर भी न करें इन चीजों का सेवन

<p>बीते कुछ सालों में हार्ट अटैक के मामले ज्यादा देखने को मिल रहा है. साथ ही कम उम्र वाले भी हार्ट अटैक के शिकार हो रहे हैं. ऐसा इस लिए हो रहा है क्यों कि आज कल लोगों कि लाइफ स्टाइल बदल रही है साथ ही तनाव, सही भोजन नहीं खाना, व्यायाम की कमी. हम … Read more

Heart attack does not happen only because of bad diet and lifestyle, this is also a big reason

Heart attack does not happen only because of bad diet and lifestyle, this is also a big reason

How To Prevent Heart Attack: Many myths about heart health are also heard in the discussion of our daily life. For example, problems related to heart start after the age of 40-50. There is nothing to worry about in Young Age! Once upon a time this thing used to be true but now it is … Read more

Along with keeping the heart healthy, grapefruit can boost immunity, know other benefits

Along with keeping the heart healthy, grapefruit can boost immunity, know other benefits

Grapefruit Benefits: Almost everyone is crazy about the beauty of Uttarakhand, but have you tasted the fruits here? Here you will find varieties of many juicy fruits, among these fruits, grapefruit is also a fruit that is full of taste and health. This fruit, which looks like a lemon, is rich in vitamin C. Immunity … Read more

Bad cholesterol can make health bad, control with these things sitting at home

Bad cholesterol can make health bad, control with these things sitting at home

Cholesterol Diet: Controlling the level of cholesterol is very important to keep the body healthy. The risk of heart disease increases due to bad cholesterol in the body. Because of this, the fear of having a heart attack increases manifold. That’s why it is very important to control bad cholesterol. If you want to control … Read more

With these healthy foods, both you and your heart will remain young, if you do not believe then try it

With these healthy foods, both you and your heart will remain young, if you do not believe then try it

Health News: In modern times, people are falling ill a lot due to wrong food and lifestyle. The number of patients of various diseases is increasing continuously in India. Especially the number of heart patients is increasing continuously. If you also want to keep your heart healthy, then pay attention to your diet. Always include … Read more

Kovid infection may increase the risk of heart attack, how corona damages the heart

Kovid infection may increase the risk of heart attack, how corona damages the heart

Covid Can Cause Heart Attach? During Corona, the maximum number of heart attack cases also increased. Even after recovering from Corona (Covid), patients remain at high risk of getting heart disease. After all, read this report to know how this virus damages our heart and how our heart can be prevented from being hit by … Read more