How to Lose Weight in Winter: 5 Simple Tips on How to Do It

How to Lose Weight in Winter: 5 Simple Tips on How to Do It

As a matter of fact, we tend to gain weight throughout the winter, a condition known as ‘winter weight.’ In this video, we will tell you some effective tips to help you lose weight in the winter. How to Lose Weight in Winter: Although trying to lose weight has never been easy, the changing of … Read more

खाना खाने से पहले जरूर कर लें ये काम, तेजी से गलने लगेगी चर्बी

खाना खाने से पहले जरूर कर लें ये काम, तेजी से गलने लगेगी चर्बी

खाना खाने से पहले जरूर कर लें ये काम, तेजी से गलने लग जाएगा 'एक्सट्रा फैट' Source link

Weight Loss Tips: रोज आधा घंटा कर लें ये एक्सरसाइज, हफ्तेभर में कम हो जाएगी तोंद

Weight Loss Tips: रोज आधा घंटा कर लें ये एक्सरसाइज, हफ्तेभर में कम हो जाएगी तोंद

बर्पीज- ये वर्कआउट आपके कोर के साथ-साथ आपकी छाती, कंधों, लैट्स, ट्राइसेप्स और क्वाड्स को भी मजबूत बनाता है. बर्पीज भी आपके दिल की धड़कन बढ़ा देंगे क्योंकि उनमें विस्फोटक प्लायोमेट्रिक क्रिया शामिल होती है. Source link

If the body gives this indication, then understand that there is a need to lose weight… no matter how thin you are!

If the body gives this indication, then understand that there is a need to lose weight… no matter how thin you are!

Weight Gain Indication: It often happens that when people start gaining weight in the initial phase, people ignore it and do not do any work to reduce it, because they believe that by increasing one or two kilos, their body will be better. But there will be no effect. But gradually when this weight becomes … Read more

Want to reduce weight or control diabetes, drink this green juice daily, benefits will surprise you

Want to reduce weight or control diabetes, drink this green juice daily, benefits will surprise you

Weight Loss Tips : Overweight, obesity brings many diseases with it. Due to this, there is also a risk of fatal diseases like diabetes, cancer, thyroid and blood pressure. In this, diabetes acts as a silent killer. It gradually makes the body hollow from inside. That’s why it is necessary to control both blood sugar … Read more

On the ground or on the treadmill… If you want to lose weight fast, then what is better? here is the answer

On the ground or on the treadmill… If you want to lose weight fast, then what is better?  here is the answer

Treadmill vs Walking : Often there is a question in the mind that walking or walking on a treadmill is the best for weight loss. Many studies emphasize that walking is one of the good exercises. If you include walking in your daily routine, then the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and … Read more

The weight had increased after pregnancy, the woman reduced 27 Kg weight by eating parathas, know how?

The weight had increased after pregnancy, the woman reduced 27 Kg weight by eating parathas, know how?

Weight Loss Tips: Losing weight seems to be a difficult task for many people. Many people first take a determination that they will lose weight, but then with time their determination goes into cold storage. However, there are some people who, even if they decide, do it, like Anu, a resident of Gurugram, did it. … Read more