Squint: Do not ignore this problem of children’s eyes, it can be dangerous

Squint Effects: Often the problem of squint is seen in the eyes of small children. In this problem, the children are looking at one side but the person in front feels that they are looking at the other side. Sometimes this problem is also seen in older people. Let us know every information related to … Read more

Do not ignore these symptoms seen in the body, there may be liver failure

Liver Disease Warning Symptoms: Liver is the most important organ of our body. The whole health of a person depends on this. If the liver is working properly, then understand that no disease can touch you, but if there is a disturbance in the liver, then you may have many diseases. It has also been … Read more

Do not ignore this small sign, because there may be colon cancer

Health Tips: If you have to run to the washroom again and again, it may be that bowel cancer is giving signals, identify it like this. Source link

These people do not have chest pain before heart attack, do not ignore normal symptoms

Cause Of Heart Attack: Heart attack cases are increasing very fast in the last one year. Especially in the youth, cases of heart attack are being seen a lot after Corona (Post Covid Heart Attack). If someone is dying due to heart attack while dancing, then someone suddenly leaves the world due to heart attack … Read more

Do not ignore these symptoms, it may be stomach cancer

Health Advice: Are you constantly feeling weak, or facing the problem of frequent acidity and vomiting. If so, then you need to be careful because it can indicate stomach cancer. Yes you have read absolutely right. According to health experts "stomach cancer (gastric cancer) affecting one’s stomach".  Many people do not know about stomach cancer, that … Read more

If there is pain in the jaw then there can be a big reason, do not ignore it at all

Tooth Cavity: Our food affects our body. Whatever we eat, we take the support of our teeth only. Now it is obvious that its effect directly falls on our teeth. Similarly, many people complain that they feel severe pain in their jaw after waking up in the morning. Pain in the jaw is dangerous. Not only … Read more

Do not ignore squint, otherwise you can lose your eyes forever.

Squint Or Starbisums: We all have good coordination in both eyes, both focus in the same direction and on the same point, but there are many people who are victims of strabismus. This disorder is usually caused by poor control of the muscles of the eyes. If any such problem is happening with your child, … Read more

Due to these reasons internal bleeding can happen in the body, never ignore these problems

Symptoms Of Internal Bleeding: Whenever there is an injury and bleeding starts, then we get an idea of ​​how deep the injury is and we call it bleeding. But instead of flowing out due to injury or any other reason, if the blood remains inside the body or there is a leakage of blood, then … Read more