सर्दियों में अस्थमा के मरीज इन बातों का रखें खास ख्याल…

Health Tips: सर्दियों में अस्थमा के मरीज इन बातों का रखें खास ख्याल… Source link

सर्दियों में अस्थमा के मरीज इन बातों का रखें खास ख्याल, नहीं तो रात के वक्त पड़ सकता है अटैक!

सर्दी के मौसम में अस्थमा की बीमारी बढ़ जाती है. जिसकी वजह से कई सारी परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है. कई बार ऐसा होता है कि अधिक ठंड और सर्द हवाओं के कारण सांस फूलने की समस्या काफी ज्यादा बढ़ जाती है. अगर आप भी अस्थमा के मरीज है और इस तरह की समस्या … Read more

ब्लड के नेचुरल तरीके से साफ करता है करेला, जानें कड़वाहट दूर करने के उपाय

Karela Bitterness Remove Tips : करेला हमारे सेहत के लिए बहुत अच्छा माना जाता है. इसे नेचुरल ब्लड प्यूरीफायर भी माना जाता है. आयुर्वेद में भी करेले के कई फायदे (Karela Benefits) गिनाए गए हैं. हालांकि, इसका स्वाद कड़वा होने के चलते बहुत से लोग इसे खाने से बचते हैं. कई लोग इसकी कड़वाहट के चलते … Read more

Is olive oil real or fake? Follow this trick and find out immediately

It is said that nowadays is the era of adulteration. Everything is getting mixed up. Today we will talk about the olive oil available in the market. Olive oil is not only good for health but it is very beneficial for the massage of children. In today’s time, most people are cooking in olive oil, … Read more

Do this work before cooking green vegetables, otherwise many serious diseases will come to your throat.

Our elders have always been saying that if you want to stay healthy and stay away from diseases, then consume more and more green vegetables. These vegetables are not only beneficial for the development of the body, but also help in the development of the mind. By eating green vegetables, the body gets full nutrition. … Read more

Dough becomes tight or bad even after keeping it in the fridge, if kept like this it will remain soft for a long time

Fridge is one of the most essential things in our daily lifestyle. Be it summer or winter, our life seems incomplete without a fridge. Refrigerator is an essential tool to store and keep food fresh.  Often we keep the remaining dough in the freeze so that it does not get tight or spoil. But many … Read more

Fruits and vegetables will not dry for long in the fridge, just know this method of keeping

Tips and Tricks: Due to our busy lifestyle, we often buy vegetables and fruits for a week and keep them in the fridge. Mostly, we do this due to paucity of time and end up hoarding them all at once. Many people believe that when you keep vegetables in the fridge, they stay fresh for … Read more

Eat these things present in the kitchen at least, otherwise there may be serious damage

Unhealthy Food: The things present in the kitchen are only for food and drink. Different dishes are made from this and every day’s food too. But do you know that there are some such things in our kitchen, the excessive use of which can cause serious harm to health. If not, then today in this … Read more