घुटनों के दर्द ने कर रखा है परेशान तो ये देसी उपाय अपनाकर देखिए, मिल जाएगा आराम!

घुटनों के दर्द ने कर रखा है परेशान तो ये देसी उपाय अपनाकर देखिए, मिल जाएगा आराम!

Knee Pain : उम्र बढ़ने के साथ ही घुटनों में दर्द की समस्या बढ़ती जा रही है. दुनियाभर में बड़ी संख्या में लोग इस दर्द से परेशान हैं. हालांकि, आजकल कम उम्र में भी घुटने का दर्द (Knee Pain ) परेशान करने लगा है. इस दर्द का एक नहीं बल्कि कई कारण हो सकता है. उम्र … Read more

Diabetes patient has dangerous pain in knees, get rid of it like this

Diabetes patient has dangerous pain in knees, get rid of it like this

Due to bad lifestyle and bad food, many small and big diseases have encamped in the human body. Nowadays weight gain, diabetes, thyroid and high BP diseases have become common. This disease first attacks the knees in the whole body. Because of which there is a lot of difficulty in walking. As soon as there … Read more

Do this to get relief from knee pain in winter

Do this to get relief from knee pain in winter

Knee Pain Remedies: Winter season is challenging in itself. This challenge increases further when the person is suffering from health related problems. The problem of knee pain is common in the winter season. Especially the elders keep telling this thing to everyone and express their sorrow. As the outbreak of cold increases, knee pain also … Read more

Worried about knee pain and swelling? Treat in these ways

Worried about knee pain and swelling?  Treat in these ways

Knee Pain : There can be many reasons for knee pain. Especially in the changing season and winter season, there can be a problem of knee pain. If you are having knee pain due to common reasons, then in this situation you can treat knee pain by adopting home remedies. Today we are going to … Read more

Joint Pain: Why is the problem of knees found in women as compared to men

Joint Pain: Why is the problem of knees found in women as compared to men

Knee Pain Most of the women these days have complained of severe knee pain (Knee Pain In Female). Whether she is living in the house or working women. No one seems to be running away from this problem nowadays. In such a situation, many women do not take it seriously, due to which they may … Read more

Mahendra Singh Dhoni is getting knee treatment done in Ayurvedic way, you should also follow these tips

Mahendra Singh Dhoni is getting knee treatment done in Ayurvedic way, you should also follow these tips

Ayurvedic Treatment For Arthritis: Nowadays, the problem of knee and joint pain is common. People who remain physically active often start having such problems as they get older. Mahendra Singh Dhoni (MS Dhoni), the former captain of the Indian cricket team, is also troubled by a similar problem. Dhoni is undergoing Ayurvedic treatment for his … Read more