This summer, eat a kiwi every day, you will get incredible benefits for your body, know the right time to eat it.

This summer, eat a kiwi every day, you will get incredible benefits for your body, know the right time to eat it.

Fruits are very beneficial for our health. Nutrient-rich fruits improve our health. There are many fruits rich in many qualities. This means that it contains many nutrients. The kiwi is one of these fruits. Kiwi is so full of flavor and is such a mixture of sweet and sour that you can’t stop eating it. … Read more

If you get good sleep after drinking milk, then how to consume it? learn here

If you get good sleep after drinking milk, then how to consume it?  learn here

How To Drink Milk: It is recommended to drink milk for good sleep and stress free life. Because after drinking milk, one gets good sleep and by doing this daily, stress stays away. It is believed that to stay healthy, every person must drink one to two glasses of milk every day. Special importance is … Read more

Leave carrot pudding in winter and try this tasty pea pudding, learn easy recipe

Leave carrot pudding in winter and try this tasty pea pudding, learn easy recipe

Matar Halwa: Carrot pudding is made in every house in winter, and people eat this pudding with great taste. Be it someone’s marriage or party, first of all everyone’s eyes go towards it. From village to city, it comes first in sweet dishes in winter. But do you know except carrot halwa, once you try … Read more

Hing ka Achar Recipe: Asafetida pickle is very beneficial in winter, learn how to make it here

Hing ka Achar Recipe: Asafetida pickle is very beneficial in winter, learn how to make it here

Hing pickle recipe: Asafoetida gives many benefits to the body. Put a small piece of it in any vegetable, then the test of that vegetable increases. Also, asafoetida is very good for asthma patients. Be it the problem of gas or cough in the stomach, you can get rid of all these by using asafoetida. … Read more

How is life on one kidney? Learn from Health Expert

How is life on one kidney?  Learn from Health Expert

Can One Survive With One Kidney: RJD leader Lalu Yadav’s kidney transplant surgery has been successful in Singapore. Lalu Yadav’s daughter Rohini has donated one of her kidneys to him. Usually there are two kidneys in the body, but when a person donates one of his kidneys, then only one kidney is left with him. … Read more

Banana peel is not waste, its benefits are amazing, learn here

Banana peel is not waste, its benefits are amazing, learn here

Benefits of Banana Peel: If you ask a person that you want to gain weight, then what should you eat? In response to this, usually every person will tell you the same thing that if you eat banana, you gain weight immediately. If seen, this thing is also true. Banana is helpful in increasing weight. … Read more

Learn to do this Chinese exercise, it has many benefits

Learn to do this Chinese exercise, it has many benefits

Benefits of Tai Chi: There is a belief in the minds of all of us Indians about Chinese items that Chinese items do not last long or are not durable. Regarding Chinese items, you must have heard many people saying that ‘Chale to Raat Tak, Varna Chand Tak’. To a large extent this saying is … Read more

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? learn here

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?  learn here

World AIDS Day: ‘World Aids Day’ is celebrated worldwide on 1 December. On this day people are made aware about AIDS and informed about the measures to avoid it. AIDS disease is caused by HIV ie Human Immunodeficiency Virus. In 1995, the President of America made an official announcement for World AIDS Day, after which … Read more