Do not ignore the cough that is happening for a long time, it can be a sign of asthma

Asthma : It is normal to have cough and cold problem with the changing season. In this type of problem, the problems often get cured after taking the medicine, but if you have the problem of cough for a long time, then it can indicate towards asthma. Yes, prolonged cough can be a sign of … Read more

Follow these tips to stay in Vajrasana posture for a long time

Health Tips: Many people sit continuously for a long time in Vajrasana posture during yoga practice, while some people start feeling discomfort after sitting in this position within a few seconds. Today we remove this problem of yours. Know here how you can sit in the position of Vajrasana for a long time without making … Read more

When should we not drink the water kept in a copper vessel, for how long is it necessary to keep it?

Copper Water Benefits: Water kept in a copper vessel is very beneficial for health. It is also a part of an ancient tradition of our country and also a part of Ayurvedic system of medicine. Drinking water kept in a copper vessel gets rid of many diseases which are caused by drinking contaminated water. For … Read more

Holding urine for a long time can be dangerous, know the disadvantages

Holding Urine Side Effects: Holding urine for a long time can be dangerous, know the disadvantages. Source link

Avoid this type of food in summer, it will not take long to get sick

Harmful Junk Food: In today’s lifestyle, eating and drinking has become very unhealthy. Due to this obesity, diabetes and heart related diseases have started happening. On the other hand, eating junk food in summer increases stomach problems. In such a situation, if you stay healthy for a long time, then completely remove junk food and … Read more

Staying in AC for a long time can be dangerous, there is a risk of these diseases

Air Conditioners Side Effects: Staying in AC for a long time can be dangerous, there is a danger of these diseases. Source link

Cloves Benefits: Long has not only taste but also a treasure of health, let’s know its benefits

Cloves Benefits: There are many such things in our kitchen, using which our elders can cure many diseases. If we talk about the spices found in our kitchen, then what to say about their specialty. They not only enhance the taste of our dishes, but they are also used in many other ways. Yes, there … Read more

Keep distance from these things in summer, otherwise it will not take long to fall ill

Harmful Food In Summer: Being careless about eating and drinking in summer can take a toll on your health. Eating spoiled or stale food can cause stomach problems. Eating cold things in extreme heat can also cause problems. Keeping fruits or vegetables outside in the heat can make you sick. In such a situation, you … Read more