Childhood Obesity and Carbohydrate Intake: Review of a Recent Study

I think it’s safe to say that we all know obesity is a problem in this country. Sometimes we might be in denial about what an enormous problem it is, but once you pay attention and look around, you realize we have an epidemic on our hands. This is going to cripple our nation in … Read more

Why Should You Consider Drinking Chinese Green Teas?

Green tea is known to have various health and skin benefits. Green tea has natural anti-bacterial agents called catechins. It has some anti-inflammatory agents, which can save the skin from swelling due to acne. Chinese green teas help keep your skin smooth. It also prevents from breakouts to make your skin glow. Having such type … Read more

Shopping Your House Insurance Online

Did you know that it is possible to get free online quotes for your home insurance, through Internet sites specializing in the field, you need only know the area and the layout of your current home or your future apartment. It is necessary to calculate your quote, specify the type of accommodation for which you … Read more

What You Need to Know About Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

The list of symptoms associated with ovarian cysts is quite large and includes many of the same symptoms as several other physical problems, such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pregnancy or ovarian cancer. Due to this fact, the appearance of one or two symptoms, depending on their individual severity may or may not be a … Read more

Keep Your Back Healthy When Gardening

One of our country’s favorite past times is Gardening. From mowing lawns to mulching, planting seeds and shrubs, pulling weeds, to landscaping, your body may be paying the ultimate price. Almost all muscle groups are affected in one way or another; twisting the lower back, shoulders, and wrists, bending the hips and neck, leg strains, … Read more

Bodybuilding Tip

Having a healthy and fit body is necessary to survive the stressful lives we have today. Other than that as well, having a healthy body is a thing of beauty and it can earn you many an accolades. To have a body worth dying over, it is not only important to eat right, but also … Read more

Health Insurance Plans for Parents or Senior Citizens in India

Health insurance for senior citizens or parents is a must, considering the rate at which the medical expenses are rising every year. On an average, the medical costs are rising around 15% every year. Interesting fact is, Indians pay around 75% of their medical expenses from their own pocket. In last few years, I have … Read more

What Does Your Cookware Say About The Health Of Your Food?

The health of your food is determined by a). its nutritional value, and b). the absence of metals and chemical toxins in it. Would you have ever thought your cookware plays a major part in both these aspects? Let’s see how the choice of cookware determines the health of your food: 1. The health of … Read more