पीएम मोदी से लेकर अक्षय कुमार तक की फिटनेस का राज़ है ये मोटा अनाज, इसके फायदे जान लेंगे तो आप आज ही डाइट में कर लेंगे शामिल

Millets Benefits: अक्सर हम सोचते हैं कि सेलिब्रिटी ऐसी कौन सी डाइट लेते हैं, जिससे वह बढ़ती उम्र में भी हेल्दी और फिट नजर आते हैं, तो आपको बता दें कि ज्यादातर सेलिब्रिटीज अपनी डाइट में ग्लूटेन नहीं लेते हैं और यह ग्लूटेन आम तौर पर रोटी या चावल से मिलता है. इसकी जगह सेलिब्रिटीज मिलेट … Read more

Teff Millet Health Benefits: 6 Reasons to Try a Bowlful of This Ethiopian Grain

Home Health Teff Millet Health Benefits: 6 Reasons to Try a Bowlful of This Ethiopian Grain Teff is a variety of millet is originated from Ethiopia and has several health benefits to offer. Small grains of teff millet are consumed in a variety of forms as well. Teff Millet Health Benefits: 6 Reasons to Try … Read more

What is Barnyard Millet? 6 Health Benefits of Sanwa You Must Know

Home Health What is Barnyard Millet? 6 Health Benefits of Sanwa You Must Know Millets are beneficial for health, however did you know that there are a category of millets such as barnyard millets which are eaten during fasting and they are very easy to digest. Sanwa millet or barnyard millet is a tiny white … Read more

Many serious diseases can be cured by eating millets with jaggery, this combination is very beneficial.

A new achievement has come in the lap of India, the country which is trying to make Millets and Yoga shine all over the world. Millets Prime Minister reached from Kashi to Washington Narendra Modi And was decorated on President Joe Biden’s dinner table. Not only millets, efforts are being made to promote jaggery as … Read more

This rice is best for sugar patients, improves lipid profile

Best Rice For Sugar Patients: After becoming a sugar patient, there are many restrictions in life. Especially one has to think a lot about food and drink and be alert. Because even a little carelessness can increase blood sugar. People in our country like to eat rice very much. Rice is a part of daily … Read more