क्या है लंपी वायरस, जानें क्यों और कैसे फैल सकती है ये स्किन की बीमारी

<p>पिछले साल लम्पी वायरस का कहर पूरे भारत में देखने को मिला था. उस दौरान हर राज्य में बड़ी संख्या में पालतू जानवरों की मौत हुई थी. अब एक बार फिर लम्पी वायरस का प्रकोप भारत के कई राज्यों खासकर छत्तीसगढ़ में तेजी से फैल रहा है. इस बीमारी से संक्रमित होकर कई गाय-बैल मर … Read more

Prevention is to be done from mosquito stings, follow these home remedies

Mosquito Bites : The rainy season has started. The risk of diseases caused by mosquito bites is high during this season. Diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya spread a lot mainly in the rainy season. Mosquitoes start breeding a lot due to the accumulation of water around the house. Due to these mosquitoes, you can get … Read more

Dengue, malaria are not only caused by mosquito bites, this dangerous disease

Mosquito Can Cause Of Many Disease: People are troubled by mosquitoes in summer and rain. Mosquito bites cause many diseases. However, most people have heard about dengue and malaria, a disease spread by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes multiply during rains and spread dengue and malaria. But you do not know that apart from these two diseases, there … Read more