नवरात्र: जिन लोगों के व्रत है… वो रात में ना खाएं ये चीजें! अगले दिन लगेगी ज्यादा भूख

Navratri Vrat Diet: देश भर में शक्ति की प्रतीक कही जाने वाली मां भगवती के लिए नवरात्र महोत्सव (Navratri 2023)आरंभ हो गया है. इस दौरान नौ दिनों तक भक्त मां के विभिन्न स्वरूपों की पूजा करेंगे और व्रत आदि करेंगे. अगर आप भी मां भगवती के लिए नौ दिन के व्रत कर रहे हैं तो … Read more

नवरात्र में इस वजह से खाया जाता है सात्विक खाना, साइंटिस्ट देते हैं ये लॉजिक

Navratri 2023: शारदीय नवरात्र का त्योहार शुरू हो चुका है. इन शुभ 9 दिनों के दौरान भक्त मां दुर्गा का फास्टिंग करते है. कुछ लोग सिर्फ 2 दिन करते हैं तो वहीं कुछ लोग 9 दिन का व्रत करते हैं. इस 9 दिन के अंदर यह भी होता है कि भले ही हर व्यक्ति करे … Read more

Navratri 2023: 6 MUST Know Tips For Diabetics to Follow During Nine-Day Long Fast

Home Health Navratri 2023: 6 Essential Tips For Diabetics to Observe Fast and Manage Glucose Level During Navratri people often observe a nine-day-long fast. However, it may get a bit difficult for people with diabetes to go long hours without proper food. Here are some tips and tricks to manage glucose level during this period. … Read more

Chaitra Navratri 2023: 3 Superfoods And Their Health Benefits While Fasting

Home Health Chaitra Navratri 2023: 3 Superfoods And Their Health Benefits While Fasting During Auspicious Days Chaitra Navratri is a nine-day Hindu festival that is widely observed in India and other countries around the world. Chaitra Navratri 2023: 3 Superfoods And Their Health Benefits While Fasting During Auspicious Days Chaitra Navrathri 2023: One of the … Read more

Follow these 8 rules during Navratri fasting, it will help in reducing weight fast.

How To Lose Weight During Navratri: Today is the 5th day of Navratri. Many people have kept a fast for the whole 9 days to please the 9 goddesses. During the fasting of Navratri, most people follow a fruit diet, that is, they consume more and more fruits. Apart from this, they also consume foods … Read more

Navratri: Fasting for the whole 9 days is observed during pregnancy! Know what to do and what not to do?

Navratri Fasting Rules For Pregnant Women: Today is the third day of the nine-day festival Navratri. During this festival, which lasts for 9 days, all the people of the Hindu community keep fast. By the way, fasting has many health benefits. But pregnant women should always try to avoid fasting for nine days, because it … Read more

Navratri 2023 Vrat Rules For Pregnant Women: Dos and Don’ts to Follow

Home Health Navratri 2023 Vrat Rules For Pregnant Women: Do’s And Don’ts Before Keeping Fast Navratri 2023 Fasting Rules For Pregnant Women: It is important for pregnant women to check the do’s and don’ts. Navratri 2023 Vrat Rules For Pregnant Women Do’s And Don’ts Before Keeping Fast Navratri 2023 Fasting Tips For Pregnant Women: The … Read more

Navratri 2023: How to Treat Constipation During 9-Days of Fasting?

Home Health Navratri 2023: How to treat constipation during 9 days of fasting? Expert shares natural remedies Constipation can occur during Navratri because devotees often limit their diet to fruits, nuts, drinks, and fatty foods. Navratri 2023: How to treat constipation during 9 days of fasting? Expert shares natural remedies Navratri 2023: One of the … Read more