कमजोर हड्डियों में जान फूंक देंगी यह चमत्कारी पत्ती, तुरंत आहार में जोड़ें

कमजोर हड्डियों में जान फूंक देंगी यह चमत्कारी पत्ती, तुरंत आहार में जोड़ें

Bottle Gourd Leaves Benefits: लौकी को कई जगहों पर घीया के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. लौंकी का फायदा तो सभी लोग जानते हैं लेकिन क्या आपको पता है कि लौकी की पत्तियां कितनी फायदेमंद होती है. इन पत्तियों में कई ऐसे तत्व पाए जाते हैं जोकि लौकी में नहीं होते हैं. ये पत्तियां … Read more

ब्रेन के लिए अद्भुत फायदेमंद है खजूर, जानें इसे खाने का सही तरीका

ब्रेन के लिए अद्भुत फायदेमंद है खजूर, जानें इसे खाने का सही तरीका

Benefits Of Dates : खजूर, एक प्राचीन मेवा है जो सेहत के अनगिनत फायदों के लिए जाना जाता है. खजूर ब्रेन हेल्थ को बढ़ावा देने वाले कई पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर होते हैं. खजूर में उपस्थित पोषक तत्व और अन्य योगिक गुण इसे दिमाग के लिए उपयोगी बनाते हैं. अगर आप अपने दिमाग की सेहत … Read more

वॉटरक्रेस है एक औषधीय हर्ब, जानें आपके शरीर के लिए कितना है फायदेमंद

वॉटरक्रेस है एक औषधीय हर्ब, जानें आपके शरीर के लिए कितना है फायदेमंद

Benefits Of Watercress :  वॉटरक्रेस (Watercress) एक पानी में उगने वाला हर्ब है और यह खासतौर पर अपने औषधीय गुणों के लिए जाना जाता है. इसे जलकुंभी भी कहा जाता है. इसमें के कई औषधीय गुण होते हैं जिनके कारण इसके खाने के अनेक फायदे हैं. ज्यादातर लोग इसे बेकार समझ कर फेंक देते हैं … Read more

Not only protein and vitamins, healthy fat is also very important to stay healthy, know how and how much

Not only protein and vitamins, healthy fat is also very important to stay healthy, know how and how much

Healthy Fat Food: All nutrients are necessary to keep our body healthy, such as vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, good fat is also one of them. Good fat also plays a very important role in keeping the body fit. Good fat is one of those nutrients which is very important for our body. Health experts … Read more

Summer Diet Guide: Why These 6 Nutrients Should Be on Your Plate During Hot Weather

Summer Diet Guide: Why These 6 Nutrients Should Be on Your Plate During Hot Weather

Home Health Summer Diet Guide: Why These 6 Nutrients Should Be On Your Plate During Hot Weather Summer is all about keeping your body hydrated and trying to keep summer allergies at bay. Here are some vital nutrients that should not be missing from the palate of summer food. Some states in India experience sweltering … Read more

Nutrition in Food: 5 Reasons Why Knowing Nutritional Value of Your Diet is Important

Nutrition in Food: 5 Reasons Why Knowing Nutritional Value of Your Diet is Important

Home Health Nutrition in Food: 5 Reasons Why It’s Important to Know the Nutritional Value of Your Diet The human body needs different nutrients to thrive, such as protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water. Healthy diet, nutrient-dense foods, and balanced diet are terms we’ve heard and talked about almost every day. But how … Read more

Now no tension due to changing weather! Follow these Ayurvedic tips to strengthen immunity

Now no tension due to changing weather!  Follow these Ayurvedic tips to strengthen immunity

Immunity Boosting Tips: The changing weather brings with it infections and many diseases, to avoid this it becomes very important to strengthen immunity. That is why it is good to include some healthy things in your diet. Also, people often fall ill in this season, Ayurveda believes that we should keep our digestion strong. This … Read more

These seasonal vegetables will get rid of bad cholesterol

These seasonal vegetables will get rid of bad cholesterol

Spinach: Spinach is the perfect seasonal vegetable that is not only rich in essential vitamins and minerals, but also helps in controlling bad cholesterol levels in the body. This vegetable proves to be very effective in eliminating bad cholesterol in your regular lifestyle. You can eat it raw as well as cook it and eat … Read more