The problem of depression and anxiety can be overcome with this technique.

Box Breathing: In today’s run-of-the-mill life, everyone is a victim of stress and depression. Unhealthy lifestyle and above all the threat of corona is making everyone physically and mentally ill. Due to stress and depression, a lot of change is also seen in the way of behavior and conversation. Although there are some exercises to … Read more

Shilajit is a panacea for men, these 6 problems can be overcome

Shilajit benefits: Shilajit is an Ayurvedic herb, which is used to overcome many problems of men. It can remove the problem of infertility in men. Let us know what are the benefits of Shilajit for men? (Freepik) , Source link

Many secrets of health are hidden in apple peel, these problems can be overcome

Apple Peel Benefits: Apple production is very high in winter. That’s why most people consume a lot of apples in winter. There are many of us who remove the skins of apples before consuming them. But do you know that the peel of the apple is full of many properties. It is rich in fiber, … Read more

To overcome the problem of liver cirrhosis, follow these 3 effective home remedies

Liver Cirrhosis: Liver is an important part of our body. If there is any kind of problem in the liver then it can affect the whole body. Actually, with the help of liver, the dirt present in the body can be removed. In such a situation, if there is a problem of liver cirrhosis, then … Read more

Drinking ghee in milk will give tremendous benefits, these 7 problems will be overcome in a few days

Drinking ghee in milk will give tremendous benefits, these 7 problems will be overcome in a few days. Source link

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are a panacea for obese people, these problems will also be overcome

Pumpkin Seeds: Many people shrink their nose as soon as they hear the name of pumpkin, but pumpkin seeds prove to be very beneficial in terms of health. With its help, many problems can be controlled along with reducing weight. Along with pumpkin, pumpkin seeds can also be beneficial for many health problems. It contains … Read more

Ayurvedic remedy to overcome problems in pregnancy

Want to get Pregnant: Being pregnant is one of the greatest joys in the world for any woman. Also, giving birth to a child is a feeling of completeness for the woman. When a woman gives birth to a child, it is like a new birth for that woman herself. But in today’s time, a … Read more

Milk and honey are beneficial for women, these problems can be overcome

Honey and Milk for Women: Milk and honey are beneficial for women, eliminates many problems. Source link