Beware of ‘Pink Eye’! Know how dangerous this disease is, its symptoms and treatment

Pink Eye Syndrome: After the rain, now the cold weather has started. People are suffering from various types of infections. Seasonal diseases including cold, cough and cold are increasing. The problem of conjunctivitis or pink eye is increasing very fast in people. This disease is being seen in many people. There is a continuous line … Read more

Blood pressure patients should not eat ordinary salt, but eat this pink salt, BP will remain under control

Benefits Of Pink Salt: Nowadays, due to negligence in food and processed food, blood pressure, sugar and other problems are being created. High blood pressure damages the heart, increasing the risk of heart attack. In such a situation, one thing that harms the patient of blood pressure is common salt. If there is a problem … Read more

Glowing Skin: Follow these easy tips to bring a natural pink glow on the face

Glowing SkinYour face is your mirror, the more you keep it clean and bright, the more you will shine. Yes, today we will tell you some such things which you can include in your diet and improve your skin. Let us know how you can maintain your skin’s natural pink glow by stopping the aging … Read more