Lose weight by sitting with acupressure, by pressing these points, obesity is reduced

Acupressure Points For Weight Loss: So far you must have heard of acupressure reducing pain or curing some diseases, but today we are telling you that acupressure can also reduce your weight. Acupressure is a complementary therapy, by which you can reduce obesity. You can do acupressure by yourself. In this, certain points have to … Read more

The main points of the guideline issued by the center regarding monkeypox

Monkeypox Safety Tips: At this time the fear of monkeypox remains very high. So far 9 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in India. These cases have come to light from Delhi, Kerala and Gujarat, while some people have been kept under observation after considering them suspicious. So that this disease can be prevented from … Read more

Monkeypox is a health emergency but why is it not as dangerous as corona, understand in 5 points

Monkeypox Alert: After the corona infection, monkeypox in India has increased the problems of the health department. The first case of monkeypox in India was reported from Kollam district of South Kerala on 14 July. So far, three cases of monkeypox have been reported from Kerala. At the same time, the first case of monkeypox … Read more