Weight Loss Diet: Try These 5 Protein Rich Indian Breakfast Ideas to Boost Metabolism

Home Lifestyle Weight Loss Diet: Try These 5 Protein Rich Indian Breakfast Ideas to Boost Metabolism Proteins is one of the most nutrient when on weight loss regime. Try these Indian breakfast ideas for a healthy start to the day Protein makes up an important part of the weight loss diet plan. protein helps in … Read more

Not Paneer, But Tofu Can Help With Your Daily Protein Intake, 5 Health Benefits to Know

Home Health Not Paneer, But Tofu Can Help With Your Daily Protein Intake, 5 Health Benefits to Know Paneer is considered a good source of protein especially for vegetarians, but have you ever considered tofu? Here are few health benefits to know and how it may make for new addition to your protein diet. Not … Read more

Protein-Rich Diet: 8 Reasons Why Adding This is the Ultimate Hack For Healthy Festive Binge

Home Health Protein-Rich Diet: 8 Reasons Why Adding This is the Ultimate Hack For Healthy Festive Binge Festive season binge is hard to resist and in order to maintain that healthy streak it is important to have protein in our diet, here is why. Protein-Rich Diet: 5 Reasons Why Adding This is the Ultimate Hack … Read more

Weight Loss Diet: 6 Superfoods to Keep You Full Longer And Lower Cravings

Home Lifestyle Weight Loss Diet: 6 Superfoods to Keep You Full Longer And Lower Cravings One important aspect during weight loss is to control all the hunger pangs and midnight cravings. By incorporating certain foods in the diet, one can help to keep the stomach satiated longer. Weight Loss Diet: 6 Superfoods to Keep You … Read more

This tasty recipe made of soya is best for melting fat, you must also try

Soya For Weight Loss: With the growing number of vegetarians, many plant-based sources of protein have been identified in recent times. It contains delicious soy, which is said to contain proteins and several vitamins and minerals that help keep health problems at bay. People who are wondering what they can make from soy, today we … Read more

From weight loss to increasing muscle mass, protein has many benefits, take protein rich diet like this

Add Protein In Your Diet: When it comes to protein, the first thing that comes to mind is the athlete or bodybuilder. It seems that protein is necessary only for these people but it is not the truth. The truth is that protein is necessary for everyone and if you are thinking of losing weight … Read more

These are the top Indian foods, which are a treasure trove of proteins

Protein Need In A Day: From our skin to hair, bones, muscles, all of them need protein. Protein is needed for the growth of the body and to strengthen the body. Protein is found in almost every part of the body, but protein is not of any one type, but it has many types. There … Read more