You have heard about the rainbow decorated in the plate, know what is Rainbow Diet and its benefits

Benefits Of Rainbow Diet: You must have also noticed the colors of vegetables, fruits, pulses and grains while cooking and eating food. If all these colors are kept together, then a rainbow-like decoration will be seen in the plate. The plate decorated with food colors is called Rainbow Diet. Foods of every color are included … Read more

What is Rainbow Diet? All You Need To Know About This Colorful Meal Plan

Eating three to five servings of fruits and vegetables every day will certainly improve your health. But according to a growing number of experts, healthy eating isn’t just about how many servings you eat; it’s also about the diversity of food you eat. This involves adhering to a rainbow diet plan.Read also – Hormone imbalance? … Read more

What is Rainbow Diet? All You Need To Know About This Colorful Meal Plan

Eating three to five servings of fruits and vegetables every day will undoubtedly increase your health. But, according to a growing number of experts, a healthy diet is not just about how many portions you consume; It’s also about the variety of foods you eat. In this it is necessary to follow the rainbow diet … Read more

Hormonal Imbalance? Expert Shares Tips to Restore Hormonal Balance

The human body produces enough hormones for various functions to keep a person healthy. Hormones play an important role in a person’s physical, mental and emotional state as they act as chemical messengers between every part of the body. A person’s mood, weight and appetite are mainly controlled by hormones. Certain things affect hormones and … Read more